Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Baby Confession...

It has been weeks since I've written.  The last few months have been sporadic at best and now I can confess why... I, once again, have baby brain!  That's right, Danny and I have decided that it's time to add to our brood and Baby Ford #3 is due in June!

We are all very excited... Gracie especially.  The day before I found out that I was pregnant, she very confidently stopped me in Walmart, put her hand on my belly and said "Mama, did you know you have a baby in there?"   I denied it, and she said "Well, it's very, very little, but it's there!"  Fast forward 24 hours, and I was thinking "Holy crap, we have a little fortune teller here!"  Fast forward three more weeks (before we actually told her we were pregnant) and she said, "Mommy, did you know you have a baby in your belly?  Hmmm... actually, there are two babies in there!"  Roh-oh!  Here's hoping her second prediction turns out to be wrong!! (And for the record, we only heard one tiny little heartbeat this morning at our appointment!)

Ella, for her part, couldn't really give a crap.  She's taken to checking out her belly every now and then, but other than that, doesn't really grasp the concept of what's going on.  She'll be nearly two when this baby is born, a full 6 months older than Gracie was, so I'm sure she'll get it by then.  Then she'll be subjected to middle-child syndrome, where she will suddenly be less loved than her two siblings (sorry, Leslie, but I hear it's true!).  Just kidding, Ella may be her own special being, but we will always love her just as much as the other two.  Except when she's acting like the demon spawn of Satan.  Kidding. Heh. Heh.

This pregnancy has been much the same as the first two, with a few glaring differences:  While I had zero nausea with Gracie and Ella, I have had definite feelings of queasiness this time around.  Mind you, they last mere minutes and then disappear so I can't really complain.  I also developed my "pregnancy headaches" much earlier, and they seem to get worse with each baby (yay!).  But the biggest difference (and the one that has Danny hoping that this baby is a boy) is my sudden aversion to... chicken wings!  That's right... my favourite, go-to, must-have-at-least-weekly, food suddenly makes me want to barf.  Not. Impressed.  Weirdly enough, I have been craving tater tots of all things.  I've never really eaten tater tots before, but I saw them in the store and had to have them!  I've also eaten enough Mr. Noodle to fill my coffin with salt, but there's no arguing with a pregnant woman and her food cravings!

Work has been very supportive of this pregnancy (well, after we talked one of my bosses off a ledge and she told me no less than 10 times that "it's okay, I'll get through this, I'll be okay" - referring to herself, by the way, not me!), and I'm excited to say that I actually plan to take at least a full year of maternity leave this time around.  

So this is going to be a big year for us.  The last of the Ford children, a potential new house purchase, Danny's potential enrollment in University, and my embarkation on a full-fledged stay-at-home-mom adventure... should give me lots of new inspiration for writing.  Well, when I'm not drooling, tripping over simple words, peeing for the 100th time in one day, eating tater tots, or sleeping, that is!  Stay tuned... the Ford Family Adventures are about to get a lot more adventurous!

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Vacation is *$@&%*! awesome! (Day 1)

It's finally here... my week off!!  I took this week off because I had vacation days to use up by the end of the year.  Danny is taking Thursday and Friday with me, but the first three days are allllll mine!  I worked my ass off last week to be able to enjoy this week.  I went to work at 6:30 some mornings, worked through my lunches, and stayed late just to make sure that I could enjoy this week without stressing out about what was going on at the office.

I have big plans too.  I intend to do... nothing!  The girls are going to daycare, the husband is going to work.  Danny even agreed to get up with the girls in the mornings, get them ready, and take them to Nancy's.  This will be a fantastic three days...

Day 1:

5:40 - "Oh shit, it's 5:40, I have to get up.  Oh.  Wait.  Nope, it's vacation. Heh, heh, heh.  I get to sleep in as late as I want!"

5:47 - "Is it time to get up?  Nope, not even 6 yet.  Okay then.  Back to sleep."

5:55 - "Still not asleep.  Okay, maybe if I sing... I've got a love-e-ly bunch of coconuts, doodilee doo.  There they are a standing in a row, boomp boomp boomp...."

6:25 - "Awesome, I fell back asleep.  But it's still only 6:25.  What to do, what to do."

6:35 - "Oh, Ella's awake.  Danny.  Danny.  Do you hear that?  Ella's awake.  How can he can sleep through that screeching??"

6:40- "Okay, everybody should be gone in the next 10 minutes and I can finally go back to sleep and 'sleep in.'"

7:02 - "Oh. My. God.  What is taking them so freaking long to get out of this house?  I have to pee, and if I get up now, the girls will want to talk and hug and kiss, and I'm supposed to be freaking sleeping in!

705 - "Oh thank God, they're gone.  Whoooohoooooo!!!  I get to sleep in!  Whooooohoooo!  Vacation!"

7:15 - "Well shit.  I'm obviously wide awake.  But I'm not getting out of bed.  No freaking way.  Hmmm... I'm kid of hungry.  Oh look, the girls's Halloween chips are here in our bedroom, I'll just have a little bag to tie me over."

7:20 - "I love Netflix.  How I Met Your Mother at 7:00 in the morning is awesome.  Hmm, I'm still kind of hungry.  Just one more bag of chi... what the hell??  I ate all of them?  All 7 bags??!?  Faaaack!"

8:30 - "Okay, I guess I should get up now and get shit accomplished.  I want to clean the kitchen today, that's my goal.  I really don't feel like cleaning though.  Maybe I should check out Pinterest and see if I can find some inspiration..."

10:23- "Fuck!  Pinterest you are wasting my life away..."

10:30- "Okay, seriously, put down the computer and start cleaning."

12:00 - "Great, the dishes are done and the kitchen is clean.  Time for lunch.  Salad?  Nope.  Chicken and rice?  Nope.  Mr. Noodle?  Oh hells yes."

12:05 - "Oh, Danny's home for lunch.  Hi Danny.  Yes, I'm eating Mr Noodle.  Because it's freaking awesome, that's why.  What?  Why is there a bowl filled with empty chip bags sitting on our bed???  Umm... look, I cleaned the kitchen, ta-da!!"

12:35 - "Okay, Danny's gone back to work so I have until 5:00 to get the laundry put away and maybe have a little nap."

1:00 - "There are 3 baskets filled with the girls' clothes.  How do they own this many clothes?  How do they wear this many clothes?  Okay, turn on The Good Wife while I fold... that'll keep me distracted."

1:55 - "Oh a text from Danny... 'hi babe.  Just took me an hour to fold the girls' clothes.  WTF? lol'"

1:56 - "Hmm... I'm kind of hungry.  Oooh, nachos!  I'm going to make some nachos! Saa-weeet!"

2:05 - "Holy crap, these nachos smell delicious.  I can't wait!  'Get. In. Ma. Bellllly!'  Oh shit, is that Danny pulling in?  Oh, hi babe!  Heh. heh. heh.  Yup, these nachos are for me.  Yes.  All of them.  Yes, an entire plate full.  What else did I eat today?  Umm, 7 bags of chips and a Mr. Noodle.  And now this ginormous plate of nachos.  Ahhhh... want one?"

2:15 - "Might as well watch some more TV for a bit while I clean... this plate of nachos."

3:45 - "What the hell was that?  My phone?  Oh crap.  I must have fallen asleep.  Okay.  Time to get up.  Maybe get dressed.  I should probably brush my teeth too.

4:15 - "Okay, time to get the girls.  Gym pants or jeans.  Gym pants or jeans?  Ah hell, gym pants.  Also, these slippers have hard bottoms, so I think I'll just wear these too."

5:00 - "Yes, I know that you're hungry.  And I've been home all day, so you know I've whipped up something delicious for supper.  What is it?  What are we having?  Ummm.... scrambled eggs!  With cheese! Yummy!  Yes, you do like scrambled eggs.  Yes you do.  Well you're going to eat them anyway, because I spent all day making them!"

The rest of the night was pretty uneventful too.  We took the girls to the mall.  Put them to bed.  Cleaned the kitchen.  Yes, again.  Because heaven forbid the kitchen stay clean for longer than 2 hours at a freaking time!!  I went to a friend's house for some girl chat, got a text from Danny at 8:05 saying he was exhausted and going to bed and asking if I could make the girls' lunches for the next morning.  Got home around 10:30, made the lunches.  Realized I wasn't tired at all.  Pinterested till 11:45 and went to bed, ready to start my nice relaxing Day 2 of vacation... wait, I was up at 6:00 a.m. again?  Epic meltdown of all time?  Ugghh... day 2 isn't looking so hot!!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

That Yucky Love Thing...

A few months ago we bought Gracie a new book.  It's called "That Yucky Love Thing."  It's about a boy who is grossed out by all the yucky love stuff going on around him so he escapes to the sea, the jungle, the moon, and finally a deserted island to get away from it.  There he meets Sam, a girl who has also escaped the yucky love stuff.  Of course, they end up holding hands in the end.  Yuck.  Double Yuck.


Wanna know why I'm remembering this book right now?  Because a little while ago, I wrote about how people post the most personal crap on Facebook.  I talked about fights, custody battles, temper tantrums, and all sorts of bad behaviour.  But I forgot one.  That yucky love stuff.

"Dear Boyfriend.  I love you so, so, so much.  My world was a dark empty hole before you came along to light up my life. xoxooxox *heart symbol *winky face"


"Dear Girlfriend.  You are so incredibly amazing and are the sexiest woman in the whole entire world.  I'm so blessed to have you in my life, and I would just shrivel up and die if we ever had to spend more than a few minutes apart. xoxoxo *kissy face *heart symbol"

Double yuck.

There are only a few reasons to post shit like that on Facebook.  One... for the "likes" you'll get.  Nothing like having 36 thumbs-up to tell you how amazing you're being to your significant other.  Two... to impress the person you're gushing about.  Three... dear single people, HAHAHA!  And four... you really think you're being sweet and genuine and Facebook is the perfect forum to spout sonnets to your lover.

Reason #1 - For every like you're getting, there are four of us throwing up in our mouths a little.
Reason #2 - She's amazing, we all get it.  Try whispering it in her ear, it's way more romantic. If they're as amazing as you say they are, they probably don't want to read about it on Facebook anyway.
Reason #3 - Obviously you're happy.  And a little while ago, maybe you weren't.  So why not show all the other miserable people how miserable they still are!  You just want to rub it in... a little bit!
Reasons #4 - I have a feeling that in a few months when this yucky love stuff wears off, you'll be the same ones with statuses like this: "My heart is broken in a million pieces and I don't think I'll ever be whole again.  Don't want to talk about it.  Going to cry myself into oblivion now! *broken heart symbol *sad face *teary face"  Or maybe this one "Skank gone and left me for another man.  Who the hell does she think she is?  Karma's a bitch, and you'll get what's yours you piece of..."  When you get to this point in your life, read this.

Don't get me wrong, I love love.  I think it's stupendous!  I think it's fabulous!  I think it's what keeps me going most days.  But share it with the whole wide world, day after day after day, and it gets awfully yucky.  I tell Danny I love him every day, often more than once.  But I don't profess it for the whole world to see... or when I do, it's when I find a funny, romantic, totally me way to tell him... like this:

Funny Thinking of You Ecard: Hey, in case I haven't told you enough lately... I still love the freaking shit out of you.

I'm pretty convinced that the only people who love our yucky love stuff are Danny and me.  Sure, people are happy that we're happy.  But for the most part, nobody else could give a crap if the light in my life is shining a little brighter because my smoochy poo is the most amazing, incredible blessing I have ever had the pleasure of loving.  When people read that crap, we all collectively barf.  And there's nothing romantic and uplifting about barf.

But for the record:  Danny, you truly are the most amazing thing to ever happen to me, and I don't know where I would be without your love and support.  I love that you love me, no matter how crazy I act, no matter how much I curse, and no matter how much I hate that yucky public love stuff.  I'll love you forever, and for always.  xoxoxox. :) :) :) :) :)  <3 <3 <3

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Giving Thanks... with sarcasm.

Well Thanksgiving weekend is over... we're on to the next holiday, Halloween!  And as much as we're looking forward to dressing the girls up and taking them around the neighbourhood so we can enjoy some free candy, I feel as though I should give thanks for the blessings we celebrated this past weekend.

We decided to head up to Gagetown to spend Thanksgiving with my parents.  They are always travelling to see us, so we decided to make the 5 1/2-hour trip ourselves this time.  I'm thankful to my husband, for convincing me that was a good idea.

I had to work until noon on Friday, so Danny and the girls (and Charlie) met me at my office around 12:30 and we were off.  I had Danny stop to pick up some easy lunch to feed the girls (chicken nuggets and french fries - not at all healthy, but a helluva lot cleaner to eat in the car than a chicken wrap and apple sauce!).  I doled out the food to the girls, and off we went.  Since I was already in Kentville, the trip was half an hour shorter than I was expecting.  I'm thankful that I wasn't allowed to take the whole day off and spent my morning counting down the hours till lunchtime - hey, at least it saved me half an hour driving!

We hit the highway, and Gracie said "are we almost there yet?"  That's right... three minutes into our drive, and the questions started.  She also repeated that question at minute 5, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 22.  I"m thankful my two-year old speaks so articulately, and with such volume. 

Have I mentioned before that Ella refuses to talk?  Apparently Gracie does enough talking for the both of them, so Ella has decided that screaming, grunting, and pointing is enough communication for her.  So she screeched and grunted her way through the next 2 hours of our drive.  Did I also mention that her nap time is at 1:00, and for the most part, my kids refuse to sleep in the car?  I'm thankful that after 2 hours of screaming and screeching, she finally fell asleep!

Gracie, for her part, was a pretty good traveller.  Around Truro we put on The Backyardigans, and except for the occasional verbal diarrhea, she was pretty great.  We stopped in Moncton for a snack for the kids, and made it to my parents' house just before 6:00.  I'm grateful for grandparents, on whom I unload my children and my dog, and who had a delicious pot of seafood chowder waiting for us when we arrived!

After 5 1/2 hours of driving, we attempted to put the children to bed at their regular time.  Ella went to bed pretty damn easily (I'm thankful for that - no sarcasm!).  Gracie had a total meltdown.  It was fun.  I'm grateful I slept downstairs and let my mom deal with the 3 a.m. wake-up call.  Sucker.

The weekend was pretty good.  On Saturday we went to the toy store (our children have never been in a toy store.  They were pretty amazed!), bought some tea, and went to Costco.  The girls had their regular naps, we played in the leaves, had a bonfire, and had an uneventful bedtime.  Sunday was pretty good too.  Dad and Grampy took the girls pumpkin picking (or, as Nanny says, "punkin"), Nanny and I went shopping, and we had a delicious turkey/roast beef supper.  I'm thankful that Ella is an incredibly picky eater who screeches and grunts and shakes her head "no" through every single meal while barely touching a thing... that means more leftovers for us.

On Monday we had breakfast (ooooh - I'm thankful for bacon.  I ate three packages throughout the weekend.  It. Is. Delicious. Yummy.), packed up and headed home.  Amazingly, our children were pretty close to silent for the first two hours of the trip.  We put on The Backyardigans, and they just zoned out until we reached Amherst.  I'm thankful we're crazy parents who only let our kids watch TV on the weekend because it means they stay incredibly entertained for two solid hours when travelling.

In Amherst we got lunch and while we were putting Gracie back in the car, she saw somebody smoking.  We told her that it was unhealthy, and yucky, and she was never, ever, ever, ever, allowed to smoke.  I'm thankful my two-year old has a such a strong mind of her own, because she promptly lost her shit, told us she was going to smoke when she got older, and she would decide for herself once she was a "big girl."  That was 10 minutes of pure tantrum throwing, screaming, grunting, and crying.  I'm thankful she's not a teenager.  Yet.

Gracie spent most of the next 3 hours being mostly really good.  Ella did not.  She screeched, and screamed, and cried, because heaven-forbid that girl have a freaking nap.  Just after New Minas, she let out one last scream and then passed out cold.  Danny also fell asleep, and Gracie watched her shows.  The last 20 minutes of the drive were pure heaven.

I'm thankful for restaurants, where we ate supper, and early bedtimes, which we all enjoyed.  The girls were in bed by 6:30, and Danny and I followed.  Although we watched TV for a bit, I'm fairly sure I was unconscious long before any adult should fall asleep.  I also slept through my alarm this morning and feel a little like death now.  Kids are exhausting, travelling is exhausting, and I'm exhausted.  But in all seriousness, I am thankful for my family; my kids, Danny, and my parents.  They're all pretty amazing, and give me lots of (serious) things to be thankful for! :)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Gracie the Un-Bully

I don't know if you all remember the issue we were having with Gracie earlier this year.  In case you don't, you can read about it here.  She was biting, and pinching, and hitting, and kicking, and spitting.  It was not a proud moment in my short life as a mother.  However, we spent some time working with her, and she very quickly gave it all up.

Fast forward 6 months, and Gracie is back up to no good.  She no longer bites or spits (thank GOD!!) but she has taken to picking on her friends.  When I pick her up from daycare, Nancy is telling me that she isn't being nice to the other kids and she wont let them play.  She's making other kids cry... again.

I know this is usual behaviour from kids her age... but I genuinely feel like this a huge teaching moment for our child.  In a world where kids are being bullied for the stupidest things, from the colour shirt they wear, to sexual orientation, to just being "different" from those doing the bullying, I decided to call it like it was.

"Gracie, do you know what a bully is?"
"A bully is someone who is mean to their friends and makes them cry.  Do you do this?"
"Yes.  Sometimes."
"Why do you that?"
"Because sometimes I don't want to play with *Barb so when she comes to play, I say NO!!  And sometimes I push her down because she wont go away."
"Do you do this to your other friends too?"
"Yes, sometimes I do."
"And do your friends cry?"
"Yes.  Sometimes."
"Well, when you make your friends cry on purpose, that's being a bully.  How would you like it if your friends wouldn't let you play with them?"
"I would be sad!"
"Well I bet that's how they feel too, when you wont let them play with you.  We have to be nice to our friends, Gracie.  Or else they wont want to play, and then you'll be sad."
"Okay, mommy.  I wont be a bully anymore.  I'll be a nice friend!"

On the drive to Nancy's the next day, we went over this again in the car.  Gracie got out and said she was going to be a good friend that day, and not be a bully.  And I am happy to say that so far, she's kept that promise!

A couple days ago, on our drive home, she told me about a little boy at Nancy's who was making the other kids cry...

"Mommy, John's being a bully to Abby.  He pushes her down and makes her cry."
"And what do you do when he does that?"
"I don't know."
"Well when you see someone else being a bully, you have to say 'don't be a bully!' and then tell an adult, like Nancy."

Yesterday Gracie was very excited to tell me "Mommy, John's not going to be a bully anymore.  Because I told him, 'No John!  We don't be a bully!  We have to be nice to our friends.  We don't make our friends cry on purpose!  And if he does it again, I have to tell Nancy, right mommy?"

You know, the girl may only two years old, but I think we're off to a great start.  The only thing worse than a bully are those that do nothing to stop it from happening.  So help me, if I teach my kids anything it will be to stand up for themselves, and for others who aren't strong enough to stand up on their own.  Gracie knows now what a bully is, and what she should do to stop it. At this age, a bully is someone who wont share the crayons... but the bullies are only going to get bigger and badder.  And I'm hoping that teaching Gracie this young will ensure that I have more conversations with her over the years about the bully she told to stop!

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Vacation, Shmay-cation!

Oh Vacation... you are a cruel, torturous bitch!  

This week marked my first time off since returning from maternity leave more than seven months ago.  Other than a day here or there, I have been working like a dog since February, and was very much looking forward to my extra-long week off.  

I went to work Thursday morning, with the intention of being home by noon to enjoy an extra day-and-a-half tacked onto my week's vacation.  I arrived home Thursday afternoon ready to relax!  Until Charlie the wonder-pup wandered out of the guest room with wet feet. A pipe behind the wall had burst and our guest room was a soggy mess.  Danny knocked down the ceiling and put a bucket under the constant run of water, and we cursed a little.  Well, Danny cursed a little, and I cursed a lot (shocker!).  We decided we were just going to fix the leak itself and deal with the damage and renovations at a later time.  The next day my sister mentioned calling our insurance company.  The thought hadn't even crossed our minds, but by that afternoon, we had an adjuster in surveying the damage, the contractor from the restoration company arrived, and three industrial strength dehumidifiers were delivered that afternoon to start drying things out.

Although we had just had a disastrous leak on the first day of our vacation, things weren't looking too bad.  We realized that we were going to get new flooring, walls, and paint on the last room in the house to be renovated (a project we had scheduled to complete in late fall), and somebody else was going to do all the work and clean up all the mess.  It sounded pretty damn good to us!

Fast forward to Saturday, and a full day of dehumidifiers running in the house, and we were not a happy family.  The bathroom door was warped from the dehumidifier running all night, so it wouldn't close from the inside (it would only close if you pushed on the outside right-hand side while pulling it close).  That meant that not only did my children get a front row seat to bathroom time, now my husband would as well.  Fantastic.  Also, it was about 800 degrees in there.  When I entered the bathroom at 3:30 a.m. to have a pee, I thought it was the greatest thing on earth!  The room was warm, the toilet seat was heated.  It was heaven.  However, at 3:00 p.m., when it was 28 degrees outside and the humidex was over 30, it was hell.  I instantly broke into a sweat upon entering the bathroom, and had to explain to Gracie 243 times why the wall was torn apart, and what that big noisy machine was.  By Tuesday morning when we were ready to leave for our mini-vacation, we were all pretty hot and miserably cranky SOBs.  And deservedly so.

Now, back up to the day before we are ready to leave.  The workers are scheduled to arrive Tuesday morning to begin tearing down walls, ceilings, and tearing up floors.  The girls are scheduled to go to Nancy's for two days, and my sister is taking the dog for us.  Except she forgot to mention that to her husband, who has vetoed that decision at T-20 hours before vacation.  Up goes a desperate plea on Facebook.  Because the workers are going to be at the house, and because Charlie is nervous at the best of time, leaving her at home with strange people isn't an option, unless she is crated for two days... which also isn't an option.  Luckily, at around 5:30 that night, a friend came to our rescue and offered to take Charlie for us.  Disaster #23, averted!

Tuesday morning we delivered the kids to Nancy, and tried to kiss them goodbye.  However, Ella hadn't eaten yet and wanted nothing to do with anything except her breakfast smoothie, and it was pouring down rain which meant kids and parents were converging inside, in a little tiny entrance.  So we basically waved goodbye from the driveway and drove away from the kids for the first time ever without a proper goodbye.

We delivered Charlie to Jessica's house.  When we opened the door, Charlie's new friend, Coco, greeted us in proper doggy fashion.  She sat very quietly at my feet and gave me those big puppy dog eyes and wagged her tail.  She was adorable!  Charlie greeted her new friends by running through the front door (soaking wet, by the way), straight into the kitchen, back down the hall, jumping up on Jessica, spinning around the entrance three or four times, back into the kitchen, sliding into a wall, growling at Coco, jumping over an invisible fence, and crash landing at my feet where I finally got a hold of her collar and settled her down.  "Hello, Coco and Jessica. Have fun, and good luck with Charlie!"  And we high-tailed it out of there before they could change their minds! (For the record, Charlie apparently did pretty good with her new friends, thank goodness!)

We were finally on the road to the hotel, when the heavens opened.  I'm talking torrential down pouring, with lots of wind.  We had already decided to take our time on the drive and had planned on taking the Number 1, and I must say I was awfully glad we weren't on the highway in that weather! 

We arrived at the hotel around 11:30 a.m., and our room was available (yay!)  We headed up and got settled in and decided that after a quick little power nap, we were heading out to get some poutine!

It's a King-Size bed, hurray!

The hotel room. 
Bacon and mushroom poutine.  Delicious!

We came back to the room and planned the rest of the day.  We were going to have a little rest, then head for supper.  The Maxwell's Plum (right across from the hotel) had a really good deal on wings after 10 p.m., and over 60 beers to choose from, so we were going to head there as well.  We ended up napping all afternoon, heading to supper around 5:30, and then coming back to the room to relax again.  Around 9:00 Danny said he wasn't going to make it much longer, so we headed out to pay double for the wings, and we were in bed asleep by 10:30.  Cause we're cool like that.

The next day we had planned on doing some shopping, eating, and catch a movie that night.  We started shopping and were interrupted by a phone call from the babysitter telling us she had forgotten about an appointment that she had scheduled that evening and wondering whether someone could take the girls so she could go to her appointment.  Of course, panic set in, and I called my sister who told me she was working.  She told me that my parents were on their way down, and I called them.  Of course, they would pick up the girls!  After a few stressful minutes, I called the babysitter back and told her it was all looked after.  A few hours later, I get some weird messages from my mom wondering why the babysitter had given them all the bags for the girls, and wondering when they were supposed to take the girls back to her, since Nancy hadn't told them.  I couldn't get a hold of the sitter, so I sent my mom back over there, who discovered that Nancy had assumed that my parents would just keep the girls, since they were here.  The problem with that assumption is that we had suffered a massive leak in our guest room, which was now torn apart, and our house was about 10,000 degrees, since the restoration people had set up giant heaters to dry out the walls.  After texts, and phone calls, and a major cursing tantrum, everything was worked out, and it was decided my parents would keep the girls after all.

The rest of the time at the hotel was pretty uneventful (thank God!).  The next day (today) we decided to meet my parents for lunch in Dartmouth Crossing to celebrate my birthday.  I believe my exact words to my mother were "but you don't know Dartmouth Crossing" to which she replied, "yes I do."

I got a text from her at 11:30 saying "Okay, we're here."  Quickly followed by "Or maybe not.  Is Dartmouth Crossing at Exit 4B?"  I'm sorry, where?  I called my mom, who was wondering why it was called Dartmouth Crossing, if it was so close to Bedford.  Apparently my mom saw a Walmart and though she had arrived.  Apparently my dad had tried to tell her otherwise, but my mom said, "Leslie, just trust me, I know where I'm going."  Once she had to admit she was wrong, we had to figure out where the hell they were and how to get them back on track.  They decided that the easiest thing was to go into Halifax to get turned around (I don't understand that logic either), and we got them back on the highway into Dartmouth.  We explained again the directions and told them to call when they got there.  When they were close, they called to check in.  I said, "you'll see Dartmouth Crossing and you just swing a right and you're right there."  A few minutes later, when they still hadn't arrived, I called again.  My mom answered the phone with "I know, we took the wrong fucking exit again and now we're heading back into Dartmouth."  After getting her calmed down, we realized that they were actually just down by Walmart, but my mom was concerned that all of the "highways" would send her back into Dartmouth or Halifax.  I told them to just pull over somewhere, anywhere! and we would come find them.  We found them in the Costco parking lot and lead them over to Jack Astors where we enjoyed a lovely lunch.  We sent them back on their way to New Brunswick, and apparently they've made it there (although how they ever manage to find their way anyway, I have no idea!).

We headed for home, when the heavens opened up, again, and we drove all the way in the pounding rain.  We picked up the dog, the girls, and we went out for my birthday supper.  And now, here I am, in bed, at 8:00 p.m.  Vacations are overrated.  I am exhausted and, quite frankly, I need a vacation to recover from this vacation!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

La Vacation!

Know what today is?  My last day of work before... vacation!!!  I'm a little excited.  Okay, a LOT excited!  I came back to work after having Ella when she was six months old.  She's now 13 months old, and with the exception of a week off in April when I was dealing with a really shitty illness, I've only had an odd day off here and there.  So I'm thrilled to be having 10 1/2 whole days off!

Work has been incredibly busy and hectic for me this summer, so vacation kind of snuck up on me.  And you know what, I liked it that way!  Just this past weekend I said to Danny, "Oh my God!  We're on vacation next week!  What are we going to do?!"  He didn't realize how quickly vacation time had snuck up either, because he had forgotten to put his leave pass in at work!  Good thing he was able to get the time off anyway!

We talked about what our plans should be.  Should we take the kids to Upper Clements... that would be hard with Ella being so young, and being incredibly cranky if she misses her afternoon nap.  Should we take day trips to the south shore, so Ella can sleep in the car?  Then one of us (I can't even remember which one) said, "Wouldn't it be nice to go to Halifax for a couple of days, just the two of us?"  And that was it... the seed of getting-away-without-the-children was planted.  But who would watch the girls?  My parents are off galavanting across the country to see my brother in Petawawa.  Which left us with two options... my sister, and our babysitter Nancy.  I was debating which one to ask first.  If it was my sister, that would mean she would have to pack up and go to our house for two days, since her place isn't exactly set up for two under three!  I played it back and forth in my mind, still not completely convinced that going away for two days was really necessary, especially without the girls!

On Monday, I arrived at Nancy's house and as soon as we got out of the car, she said, "I missed the girls this weekend!  I was going to call and ask to steal them for a sleepover, but I thought that would make me look a little crazy."  Wait, what?  You wanted them for a sleepover?? Could it be... fate?? 

"Well..." I said, "about that."  Nancy's eyes lit up! "Danny and I were thinking about heading to Halifax next week for two nights." "YES!' Nancy said.  She didn't even need me to finish the sentence... that was it, the deal was made!  Before I had time to realize what had just happened, I had committed myself to a three-day/two-night vacation in Halifax... without any kids!

I got back in the car, and endured a slight moment of panic before euphoria set in!  Holy shit, Danny and I were going away.  Without kids.  Not just for one night, but for two!!  Holy shit. Holy Shit. HOLY SHIT!  I was beyond excited!  As soon as I got to work, I texted Danny and told him we were free to have our little get-away.  He responded with equal enthusiasm, "awesome."  Okay, so you have to know Danny to know that's pretty enthusiastic of him!

I started looking up hotels and quickly realized that not only were we getting away for a couple of days, we were going to pay a month's mortgage to do it.  Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.  Oh well, it's the first time in nearly three years that we've been away, so we might as well splurge (though we are taking donations, if anybody is interested!).

I know exactly how the two days are going to play out.  We're going to drop the kids off at Nancy's next Tuesday.  They will completely ignore us as we try to give goodbye hugs and kisses, because let's be honest... they wont even know we're gone!  We'll drive to Halifax, have lunch somewhere amazing (probably the poutinerie... do you know they sell poutine smothered in bacon!!!!!), check into the hotel, and collapse onto our king-size bed and marvel at the space and silence in the room. Then we'll probably fall asleep and waste the rest of the evening dreaming about our kids and the life we left behind.

The next morning we'll sleep in.  Well, I wont exactly sleep in, but there's no way in hell I'm getting up at 5:30!  But knowing my mommy-trained body, I will wake up by 7:00 at the latest, where I will toss and turn until finally deciding to wake Danny up around 8:30 or 9:00, to which he'll exclaim "Sammy, we're supposed to be sleeping in!!"   My only plans for our two days is to get out and enjoy the sun, and eat.  I love food.  I love food so much, I could probably spend the whole two days bouncing from restaurant to restaurant, until I've tried a little bit of everything.  We might see a movie.  Oooh... maybe even a late show!  Maybe we'll even stay out until midnight... or later!!  The possibilities are endless!

And when the two days are over, we will drive home and stop at Nancy's to pick up the girls.  They will greet us like they always do... Gracie will run across the lawn with her arms wide open screaming "Mommy!!  Daddy!" and Ella will point and scream as loud as she can "Da-da-da-da-da-da!!"  We'll hug them and Gracie will tell us how much she missed us.  We'll present them with the presents that we surely are going to buy for them, then we'll head home.  Gracie and Ella will get in a screaming match over a toy, Charlie will pee on the floor with excitement, Ella will dump her supper on the floor, Gracie will knock over her milk at least twice during supper, Ella will have a gigantic poop that seeps up to her ears, Gracie will say "mommy" at least 300 times, Ella will trip over her own feet no less than a dozen times, and Gracie will cry when it's time for bed.  There will be no doubt in our minds that our vacation is over and we're back to our normal lives... but, ahh, what a sweet little life it is!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Public Embarrassment...

Well we've finally reached that age... the age where Gracie embarrasses us in public.  I knew it was coming, but I wasn't prepared.  It seemed like it came out of nowhere!  One day she was our sweet little girl, the one who strangers smiled at and "ooohed" and "awwwed" over.  The next day, strangers looked at us with sympathy, and a little twinkle in their eye because they wanted to laugh out loud at us, but knew that they shouldn't!

Looking back, I guess I should have seen the signs.  It probably started the day I picked her up at Nancy's... I picked her up to give her a big hug and she farted.  She laughed and laughed, and said "Mommy, I farted on your arm!"  I told her that was gross, so she squeezed out another one, twice as loud!  "I farted, I farted, and pee-ewww!  That stinks!"  The other parents all giggled.

Last week we were out for supper and while we were waiting for our food, an older lady with gray hair sat at a table behind us.  Gracie stared at her for a while and then turned around and whispered something.  I couldn't make out what she said so I asked her to speak up (my mistake!).  "That lady's a witch mommy!  She's a witch!  A witch!  A WITCH!!!"  The lady just stared at us, and I stared at Gracie with my mouth open.  Danny looked at me and said "What did she say?"  Gracie heard him ask, so she repeated herself, loudly.  I told Gracie, "That's not a witch, it's just a lady." but she wouldn't believe me!

Last night we went swimming with Gracie's bestest friend, Jayden.  Jayden is so sweet and loving, and always greets Gracie so excitedly.  Gracie just covers her face and pretends Jayden doesn't exist.  That's embarrassing enough for me!  But when we were in the pool, Gracie and Jayden were throwing a ball back and forth.  Ella was sitting on the edge of the pool with Jayden's mom, and screeched at Gracie.  So Gracie yelled at her, "Ella, you're such a shithead!"  Jayden's mom looked more than a little surprised by the language, and I just shook my head and took Gracie aside for a little discussion about name calling (and swearing).  I swear, we don't teach her to curse like that, she just picks it up from her horrible mother and spits it back out when we least expect it!

A little while later I noticed Gracie hunched over in the shallow end of the pool.  "What are you doing, Gracie?" I asked.  "Playing with my bird!" Not the answer I was expecting.  And yet, loud enough for lots of people to hear!  And yes, ladies and gentleman, we use "bird" instead of "vagina" because vagina is just not a word I want to hear come out of my toddler's mouth.  Let the scarring and therapy sessions begin! 

So apparenly my daughter has no filter.  At least that's what I've started to learn over the past couple of weeks.  Whatever is on her mind, comes out of her mouth.  I have to be prepared for this from now on... as she learns more words and becomes more aware of people around her, I'm sure the things she screams will only become more embarrassing.  I plan to keep a record of everything she says that embarrasses me so that when she's a teenager, I can use them on her!  I can't wait til I drop her off at a friend's house and she turns to me and say, "Mom.  What are you doing?" And I can just imagine the expression on her face when I yell back, "Playing with my bird!"

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

My Body is a Wonderland

After having two kids in less than two years, I have discovered that my body is a wonderland.  Your body can do amazing things, like carry and birth a baby!  Your organs move out of the way to make room for growing a baby, your blood volume increases to support the new life, your body knows exactly what to do to get the baby out.  It truly is a wonderland!

Now that it's been over a year since I've had Ella, and two-and-a-half since Gracie, know what else my body is?  A wasteland.  Okay, maybe not quite as bad as a wasteland... but it sure aint all wonderful!

After I had Gracie, my body pretty much returned to normal pretty quickly (yeah, yeah - haters gon' hate!).  But apparently baby number two made it a little more difficult for things to go back.  The first time my body was all like "Whoa, that was neat! Now, back at it!"   The second time, it was more like "Okay, you did it to me again.  Screw you." 

The first thing I noticed was the fact that my boobs just didn't get quite as big as they did with Gracie.  If there's a bonus to being pregnant, it's the ginormous ta-tas that come with it.  But alas, my boobies boycotted and refused to grow to their potential.  Know what else they did?  After I finished using them for their nutritional purpose, they got shy and went away.  Far, far away.  Like miniscule little 12-year old boobies.  Like double-A, training bra boobies.  What the hell body?!

Also, my hair fell out.  Of course, this is normal for most ladies post-baby.  Your hair stops falling out while you're pregnant, and then feels the need to catch up with all the non-falling-out it did during those 9-10 months and you start shedding like a dog in the spring.  I'm talking huge handfuls of hair.  I'm talking pretty sure I was going to end up bald handfuls of hair.  I'm talking 5 months of excessive shedding.  You know what all that shedding leads to? A clogged bathtub, for starters.  But it also leads to new hairs growing in... or in my case, growing out.  Straight out.  All the way around my face.  My  new "bangs" stood straight out from my face like I was wearing that crown the Statue of Liberty wears.  It took them three months to grow long enough to weigh themselves down into normal hair position, and another two months after that before they grew long enough that I could pin them out of my face.  Yep, that hair falling out... it's beautiful.

This one is for all you women (and men, really) who have never been pregnant.  If there is one thing you should never, ever take for granted, it's the ability to not pee your pants whenever you sneeze, laugh, cough, or do jumping jacks.  That's right ladies and gentleman, coughing makes me pee in my panties.  I can point out a mother a mile away, purely by the fact that while she's standing in the grocery aisle coughing, her legs are crossed.  Also, many of the exercises that are supposed to get you back into pre-baby shape involve a lot of bouncing.  Bouncing equals peeing in my panties.  It didn't happen after Gracie, so if you have one kid and you're pointing and laughing... wait for it!  You'll wet yourself after that second kid beats the crap out of your bladder too!

Did you know that having a baby involves your stomach muscles stretching to the point where you look like you swallowed a whole watermelon?  Did you know that after that baby comes out your tummy retains its familiarity with the watermelon shape?  Did you know that eating the tiniest amount of food now makes me look five months pregnant?  It's my post-baby baby belly.  We call them food babies.  I can be having the skinniest day, where I wear my sexiest clingiest dress (just kidding, I don't own one), and I look fantabulous.  And then I put food in my stomach and my belly goes "ooh, I know how to make room for that, let me grow outwards 6 inches!"  It's very nice of my belly to make extra room... but it's really too bad my pants dont make the same consideration!  Also, as a side note:  Once you are of child-bearing age, it seems to be a habit of people to watch your middle for any sign of a baby bump (hello, poor Kate Middleton!).  I see you there, pointing and whispering "is that a baby in there?"  NOPE! I just ate a cheeseburger people!

Now here's the part where I say, "but it's all worth it, because I have two beautiful girls who have made all the difference in my world!" Yeah, yeah.  That's all true.  But I'm not going to lie, there are days when the girls are acting like toddlers act, screaming, and crying, and just being little shitheads, and I can't help but think, "I pee my pants, for this?!"

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Napping, mommy style...

The hot weather has made it very difficult for me to get a decent night's sleep!  I've been tired and cranky through the days and hot and miserable through the nights!  One day last week, Gracie had an eye appointment so I picked her up from Nancy's house in the early afternoon and off we went.

When we got back from the appointment, I realized it was just the two of us in the house, and the wind was blowing just right, and I was freaking tired.  I asked Gracie if she wanted to play in mommy and daddy's room while mommy had a little snooze.  Gracie was very excited about it!  She walked me in while holding my hand, told me to get on my jammies (which I refused, much to her dismay!), put me in bed and read me a story.  Then she sang me a song, patted my hair, and gave me a kiss.  She whispered "goodnight mommy" and I smiled and closed my eyes. 

If you think that's where this sweet story ends, you obviously don't have kids...

She sat quietly beside me on the bed for hours!  Or, if you translate that to kid time, about two minutes.  And then she got bored.  I turned the TV on for her (a treat in our house, since we never watch it!) and that occupied her for another couple of hours (four minutes).  Then she wanted to get her toys.  Perfect!  She could play while I slept. 

So she got off the bed.  Then she got on the bed.  Then she got off the bed.  Then she got on the bed.  Then she crawled over the top of me because she dropped a toy on my side.  She picked up the toy and threw it on the bed.  She missed the bed, and it hit me in the forehead.  Then she had to get back on the bed, so she crawled back over me again.  Ouch!  An elbow in the throat!

She went back into the living room and brought in her Barbies.  She play with them on the floor for a while, but then she got bored and decided to get her stuffed animals instead.  She came back in the room with all of her stuffed animals.  But they weren't for her, they were for me!  Apparently, you can't nap without a legion of stuffies watching you sleep.  She she put one under my arm, one under my other arm, one tucked into my shirt, and the rest she lined up on the pillow right above my head.  One of the animals kept falling over, so she kept leaning in to grab it.  Owwww, my hair!!!  Now it rolled off the bed.  She's pretty sure she can grab it by just laying over the side of the bed... except that I'm in her way.  So she asks me to grab it.  I ignore her, of course, because I'm "sleeping."  So she puts her hand on face to steady herself as she leans over the bed to grab the animal of the floor.  She may only weigh 28 pounds, but that's 28 pounds pushing on my face, and now I look like a smooshed fish.

Now that we're all settled in with the animals, she decides to play quietly by herself.  I actually snooze for about three minutes, until I feel her rubbing her hands all over my face and my arms.  "It's okay mommy," she whispers, "I'm just putting some lotion cream on you."  Oh, okay.  Lotion.  Nice.  Wait, what?  What lotion?  We don't have lotion in here!?  Oh perfect, I've just gotten a lovely massage of KY into my cheeks and up my nose.  Fantastic, my face is all lubed up and ready to go!  But I still can't open my eyes because once I'm "awake" that means I have to start parenting again! 

It doesn't matter though, because a few minutes later she decides I've had a long enough nap and she leans over me, grabs an eyelid and pries it open.  "Time to get up, mommy.  Do you feel better?" 

Oh yes... napping, mommy style, leaves me feeling so refreshed! *yawn*

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

O' Childless Night

Danny and Gracie spent last week visiting his family in Fogo Island.  They flew out last Sunday and came home Friday morning.  On Wednesday, Ella's babysitter asked if she could keep her overnight for a sleepover (something she also got to do with Gracie when Gracie was smaller).  I didn't even hesitate, and I found myself facing something I haven't had in more than 2 years... a whole day and night without children (or a husband for that matter).

I immediately started planning my evening... should I just pick up a bottle of wine and really enjoy myself?  Should I go to bed at 8:00 and just enjoy a nice, quiet, restful sleep?

I decided to go out to dinner and a movie with my sister, who is also currently husbandless and childless.  We went to Pizza Delight, which by the way is the crappiest of restaurants, but the only restaurant in town unless you want something deep fried! We ordered, had a beer, and went to the movie to see The Heat with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy!  Hilarious!! It was a fantastic movie.  I even laughed, out loud, three times.  I'm not an out-loud laugher.  Often Danny and I will be watching a show or a movie and he'll be roaring beside me and he looks over and I"m just smiling and he always says "what is wrong with you?"  I have a very good sense of humour, I'm just not a laugh-out-loud-er.  So, needless to say, this movie was funny.

Then I went home, went to bed, and slept all night without having to listen to farts, screams, moans, groans, or have my hair pulled by a rolling husband.  It was fantastic.  It was also only 9:30.  I don't feel guilty.

So... this blog is awesomely short, and the moral of this story is every mother needs a night away from her kids.  I'm already planning a weekend at a cabin in the fall.  That's two nights.  And all you mothers are invited.  It's like therapy for the soul!  We shall eat, and drink, and we can even talk about our kids and husbands, but we shall only be responsible for ourselves.  And when we leave at the end of the weekend, we will feel fantabulous, and be much better mothers.  So, who's in?!?  :)

Monday, July 08, 2013

Dear Facebook

I don't have many friends on Facebook.  It's mostly family, or people who I really connect with, are actually friends with, or who I have things in common with and enjoy sharing things with.  This is because I share a lot of my private life on Facebook... and by private life, I mean things relating to my family.  Pictures, updates, funny moments.  I have even been known to share a frustrating moment or two, "fantastic, Ella has pooped all over the floor again!  Why, oh why, did I have two kids?!"  But my "frustrations" are mostly in good humour, and meant to tickle the funny bone of those of you silly enough to follow along with me on Facebook.  I also use Facebook to share these blogs, a rambling, sarcastic look at my day-to-day life.  You know what I don't use Facebook for?  Dirty laundry.  

Here's a secret.  Danny and I fight.  Sometimes the fights are really bad.  And that's as much detail as you're ever going to hear about them from me.  Because fights are private things, especially between a couple.  I refuse to use our arguments as a reason to rally the troops, to gather my Facebook friends against his, to make him look like an idiot, or to put his wrongdoings out there to be judged by the online world of trolls.  Because I am an adult.  And I know better.  Because I have more respect for our relationship, and for my husband, than to air our dirty laundry in a moment of anger.  Even if Danny I were ever to divorce, because he couldn't stand the fame and fortune I amassed as a famous blogger, Facebook is still not the place to air our grievances.  And yet, some people just don't get it.  Every day, I see it.  And wonder... what are you thinking?  Do you know that for every "like" you get, there are at least 10 more people shaking their head at your foolishness?  Do you really not understand how inappropriate your postings are?  Here... let me sum it up for you!

Dear Facebook:

I'm having problems in my personal life... may I splatter your walls with my issues?  I'm an adult, so technically I know that I should keep this shit to myself, but I really, really need those 23 likes!  Also, even though are always 2 sides to every story, I can't wait to have my friends join in and make completely inappropriate and derogatory comments right along with me.  The more friends who make nasty comments, the higher my maturity level seems to everybody!

Also, when my issues involve custody matters, I will be sure to demonize and vilify the other parent of my children.  Because that's what all the cool divorced parents are doing.  And because I can't seem to realize that a public forum like Facebook isn't an appropriate place to air these problems.  Not only will my kids know about them someday, but it also makes people who would normally want to support me roll their eyes in disgust.  And that's kinda what I'm going for!  Sure, it would be more appropriate to discuss these upsetting matters with my family and close friends over a cup of coffee (or hell, even a cold beer!), but instead I'll share them with all of my 428 Facebook Friends.  Same thing!  Also, while addressing my ex, I shall refer to him/her only as "stupid asshole" or "fucking bitch" because it really makes me feel grown up to swear and call names.

Oh, and guess what else?!  When I'm really jonesing for some attention, but I want to play it all cool, I'll throw out a really vague, yet somehow still incredibly personal, status, and wait for all my friends to ask me what's wrong, and then I'll either say I don't want to talk about it (even though that's the equivalent to sighing really loudly until someone notices) or I'll say "pm me," because obviously I can't give out all the juicy details on Facebook.  I have boundaries after all.

Well, that's all the drama I have to share right now.  Thanks for listening, Diary.  Wait, you're not my diary, a perfectly appropriate and non-public forum in which to air all my troubles, anger, and burning desires?!  Hmmm... ah well!!  You'll do, Facebook!

That's right people.  If you want to talk trash about your ex, you should probably do it around a bonfire in your backyard.  If your boss is driving you bonkers, or your coworkers suck, do what the rest of us do.  Smile politely at them, and then when you get home, drink a bottle of wine while you bitch to your significant other!  Feel the need to write it down?  The Dollar Store has some has really pretty diaries... some of them even have a nifty little lock and a key!  That's right, a key.  So you can lock that shit up where it belongs!

Friday, July 05, 2013

Gremlin, anybody?

Oh Ella... it's been a while since I wrote you your own little blog.  But darling, you're about to become famous! Okay, not famous... but definitely well-read-about!   Do you know that you're almost a year old now!  These past 11 months have just flown by! 

You came into this world in a hurry, but late.  You eat like a monster, but remain this teeny-tiny little being.  You sleep through the night, and yet you are exhausting.  You, my little girl, are just full of contradictions.

You have a huge personality for such a tiny little girl.  I've tried to describe this personality, but unless you can witness it, it's nearly impossible to do it justice.  You're cute, but you are oh, so very bad!!  There is something in you that, although cute at this innocent little age, is going to make my hair turn gray before you turn three.   Every morning when I drop you off at daycare, Nancy greets you with "hello, badness!"  And when I pick you up in the afternoon, I say the same thing!  How can something so tiny elicit such fear for my future?

My parents were visiting this past weekend, and although they have always been firm supporters of yours ("Samantha, don't talk about my granddaughter that way!") they are now reformed believers of your badness.  It was all my mother could do this weekend to not laugh every time your personality reared its ugly head.  The only person unaffected by your giant, angry ego was Grampy, whom you conveniently have wrapped around your little finger, and whom you've decided to spare from your fury... for now. 

You are a hitter.  And when we take your hands and firmly tell you "no!" you hit even harder, and grunt even louder.  When we did the same thing to your sister two years ago, she would immediately pucker up for her apology kiss, and do something sweet and coated with sugar to make us forgive her.  You do not.  Sometimes, if you're being extra "spirited" and daddy has to be the one to tell you no, your lip quivers, you look at the floor, and sometimes you cry.  But rest assured, as soon as we all feel bad enough for making you cry, you're back at it, with an evil little grin on your face.

Even Gracie has fallen for your double-personality.  You will hold out your arms, open your mouth wide, and say "ahh, ahh, ahh" which is code for "come give me a kiss."  But as soon as she gets close enough to you and reaches out to give you a hug, you grab onto her hair and pull, and scream like she is trying to hurt you.  I've caught on though, and realized you just like to see me scold her for making you cry... I see you now, "tee-hee-hee"ing behind your hand when she gets in trouble.  I know who is going to win in those sibling rivalry wars that are coming up.... she may be bigger than you, but you're going to play dirty!

Miss Gracie has had an attitude for as long as she's been alive.  She had, what I thought, was the biggest attitude imaginable for such a little girl.  I've learned that Gracie's attitude is based solely on her need to be independent.  Your attitude, however, is based on the fact that you are bad, bad, bad!!!  When we're in public, or friends are over, you are the cutest, sweetest little person.  You're all sugar and spice, and everything nice.  You smile, and giggle, and coo.  People always exclaim how sweet and gentle you are!  But once we get you back home, and it's just you and us, you're like a gremlin.  We can't feed you after midnight, or get you wet, because of the little monster you become!

Okay, so you're not quite as bad as a gremlin... but seriously...  you're bad!!  And after saying all of this, I still can't wait to see what kind of fun we're going to have with you growing up!! :)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I'll drink to that...

Diamonds are not a girl's best friend... at least, not this girl.  A stiff drink is this girl's best friend!  Let me tell you that once I became a mother, I realized that in order to keep my sanity, alcohol would need to be a loving part of my life.

Oh sure, I could turn to exercise to relax me.  Or prayer, to calm my mind.  But here's how those things look to me... 

"I should exercise.  Except that I've been up since 5:30 this morning, and I feel like my feet are cemented to the floor.  And if I lay down to do a sit up, I'll probably fall asleep on my exercise mat.  Not to mention that I would have to get changed out of my work clothes.  So I would have to take these clothes off, and get into new clothes?  That seems like a whole lot of work.  Nah, I think I'll grab a beer and plop my bum in front of Pinterest for the evening."

And then there's prayer, it looks something like this...

"Dear Lord, thank you for giving me the strength to get through the day.  I'm sorry I lost my temper and yelled at the girls.  At least I didn't curse at them like I did that jackass who pulled out in front of me on my drive home today.  What is wrong with people anyway, they can't get their head out of their ass long enough to have a look around before they pull out of a parking lot.  Like, hello?!  And you know what else, my coworkers have been so freaking cranky lately... they're ruining my good attitude. I come to work every day with a smile on my face.  But then I hear the bitching and complaining, and I want to throw myself out my office window.  I'm a happy person, god damn it, and I'm tired of cranky ass motherfu... wait a second, where was I?  Oh just forget it."

Don't get me wrong, I don't think drinking solves anything.  The same way as money can't buy you happiness.  But it sure helps!  You see, we don't have air conditioning in our house.  Mostly because all of the windows open in a way that makes it impossible to install one.  And this time of year is hot.  So. Freaking. Hot.  And the girls come home from daycare, and we have supper, and we play, and we put them to bed, and I'm still So. Freaking. Hot.  Not to mention cranky, from all the bullshit that goes on during a normal working day.  So a nice cold beer... well it's pure heaven!  I twist the top off (okay, I hand it to Danny to twist the top off because I still can't figure out how to do it without wripping my hands to shreds!), take a big gulp, and.... ahhhhhhh!!  The power of alcohol!

I understand that, for some, drinking may cause more problems than it solves.  Those people should stay away from alcohol!!  Meditation, prayer, and exercise will probably work well for you!  But for us tired, cranky, overworked mothers... there is nothing like a little shot of liquid refreshment to give you the energy you need to make it through the rest of the night.

And don't think that you can judge me for this... I know lots of women who look like those perfect mothers in magazines.  They speak oh so nicely to their children all the time, they smile at their annoying husbands, they loooove their jobs.  But let me tell you, when girls' night comes around, we all agree that a little alcohol makes motherhood/wifeness/working just a little bit better.  And having a little treat to make bad days a little more tolerable?  Well, I'll drink to that!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Slumber Party

I had a sleepover with Gracie last night.  It was more like a slumber party, but she called it a sleepover.  Danny was away camping with the boys Friday night, so Gracie and I decided to have a girls' night.  We started off with supper out, then came home and played until it was time to put Ella to bed.  After Ella was tucked in, our girl's night could begin...

Jumping on the bed!!
She had so much fun jumping!

We started by getting into our jammies.   Gracie was very excited that mommy had bright pink jammies  (even though they're Christmas Spongebob pajamas).  After we were all dressed for our sleepover, we took a bunch of pictures and made a bunch of funny faces.  The we jumped on the bed for a while, and read a new book that I bought Gracie (a really cute book called "That Yucky Love Thing").  

Blowing on her toes
Gracie is doing a lovely job!
The finished product... see, pretty!

After our nails were dry and the slumber party festivities had all taken place, it was time to settle in for our movie.  It was almost 8:30, a full hour and a half past Gracie usual bedtime.  And I was tired, so I assumed she was too!  Apparently, slumber parties mean that the energy reserve gets turned on, because that girl didn't even blink through the move, let alone start to fall asleep!  We watched Cinderella, and ate some popcorn, and when the movie ended at 10:00, I was ready for bed!  Gracie said, "Can we watch more shows, mommy?" and I said, "No way, jose!"  It was lights out, and Gracie finally fell asleep around 10:30, in mommy's bed!

Here are a few things I learned from our sleepover...

1.  Gracie needs to work on her eye-hand coordination... at least while yielding a nail polish brush!
2.  Gracie is willing to share, but only on her terms.  I took a huge handful of the popcorn, to which she exclaimed "Mommy!  Don't take it all! You have to save some for me. Here, I'll share with you, but only one piece at a time."  For the record, there's still half a bag left, so it's not like I was going to leave her starving!
3.  The amount of energy a child can have stored up for nights like sleepover night is astounding.  After I finally called lights out, she talked, literally, until the second she fell asleep.  
4.  When you don't watch TV with your children, turning on a movie makes you seem like supermom to them.  She even called the movie her "special treat."  She was very excited about it!  But it didn't stop her from talking through the entire movie.  Watching a movie with a child is like sitting beside the most annoying person on earth at the move theatre.  "What's she wearing, mommy?" "Why'd she'd do that, mommy?"  "Where did she go, mommy?" "Why did the cat do that to the mouse, mommy?"  Seriously Gracie, shush!!
5.  Two year olds are the nosiest sleepers on the planet.  Gracie was the loudest mouth-breather ever.  I was up most of the night listening to her wheeze and snore.  But it sure was nice snuggling up with her just before she fell asleep.  It may have been a restless night for me, but I loved having her tucked in beside me.  Even if she did kick off the blankets, punch me in the nose, fart as loud as Danny, and randomly scream "Nooooooo!!!" at 3:06 a.m.  

God, I love that kid! 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Grocery Shopping (aka - To Hell and Back!)

Do you know what is most exhausting about being a parent?  Nope, it's not the sleepless nights when babies are first born.  Nope, it's not dealing with the teething of an incredibly cranky infant.  Nope, it's not even working a full-time job and then coming home to care for your two children (and a husband).  It's grocery shopping.

Grocery shopping used to be a pleasure in my life.  Danny and I used to go and roam the aisles, imagining all sorts of delicious dishes we could make.  Now, by the end of our grocery shopping trips, it feels like someone has dragged us over the coals and we leave the store whimpering, and limping, and envisioning a tall, tall, tall, glass of some sort of alcoholic beverage... or if we're really desperate, anti-freeze would do.

Here's what an average trip to the grocery store looks like for us:

"Sammy, got the list?" 
"Yup, got it right here!"
"Ready to go?"
"Hold on, I have to pack up half the kitchen-full of snacks, because the bottomless pits we call children will think they are little, unfed, orphan children after being without food for any longer than 10 minutes."

So we load the kids into the car, and Gracie cries "Mommy, turn on my song!  No, not that one, the one about the duckies going quack, quack, quack.  Now sing Mommy.  SING!!"

We arrive at the grocery store after eight rounds of "Five Little Ducks."  I grab one child, Danny grabs the other and into the store we go.  So far, so good.  We put Ella in the cart, and Gracie, in her ever-growing independent way, says "Mommy, I will walk."  Fruits and veggies are first.  Fruits and veggies are also my girls' favourite snacks.  Which means they realize it's been a whole 10 minutes since they've eaten.  Gracie is getting old enough to understand that the grocery store is not a sampling plate, and we cannot just eat whatever we want.  Ella does not understand this.  In fact, even if Ella did understand it, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't give a shit.  That's just the way her personality is developing (oh yes, she's going to be fun!).  So Ella starts pointing and screeching "Dat!!  Dat!!! Daaaaaaaat!  DAAAAAAAAAAATT"   I pull out her snack (cause I'm always prepared!) and hand her a bag of cheerios.  She's happy, and quiet.  All is well. 

Meanwhile, Gracie is talking a mile a minute.  "What's that Mommy?  A turnip?  In my book the piggies eat the turnips and they're a special treat.  What's that Mommy?  Mommy?  Mommy!!!!  What's that?  I like plums.  Mommy.  Mommy!!!   I like plums. I like plums.  Mommy?  MOMMY!  One time at Nancy's, I had a plum.  And I shared it.  Cause we share.  That's good, right Mommy?  Mommy?  Daddy!  Mommy's not listening to me."

I'm probably standing over the bananas by now, trying to pick the perfect bunch, and I hear a screeching coming from the cart.  Ella has dumped her bag of cheerios all over the floor.  I feed my children lots of food off the floor, but not the grocery store floors.  That's dirty.  So now she's pissed.  But it's okay, cause I have backup.  I search the bag for the granola bar I brought... it's not there.  Where is the granola bar?  Oh, for the love of God, where is the granola bar?!?!  I forgot the granola bar.  Ella is pisssssssed! 

What is that I hear? "Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy!!!"  "Yes, Gracie!  What do you want?" "Can we go see the lobsters, I want to say hi!"  So off to the lobsters we go.  Gracie can't see them from the ground, so now she wants up in the cart.  She gets in, and sees the raspberries I've hidden beneath the lettuce.  "Raspberries! Mommy, I love raspberries!  Can I have some?"  She's waving them in the air, and now Ella sees them.  Ella loves raspberries too.  And now she wants them!  Quick, distraction!  "Look at the lobsters!!"

We're finally out of the fruits and veggies section, and onto the meats.  We pick up what we need, and Gracie keeps on talking.  "What's that mommy?  Ribs?  What's ribs?  That's ribs?  But what is it?  What's that?  Why is it red?  I like red.  At home in my bedroom I have a red cat.  And there's red on Ella's shirt.  What colour is this mommy?  Green?  I don't like green.  I do like green.  No, I don't like green.  I like pink.  And purple.  Purple is my favourite.  Mommy?  Daddy!  Mommy's not listening to me! I want out of the cart." 

So she gets out.  She stands in the middle of the aisle, and I have to tell her 400 times to move out of the way before she gets run over by a cart.  She also touches things.  Every thing.  We have a discusion about how we keep our hands to ourselves or we have to get in the cart.  When I stand up Ella is going "Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm."  Oh fantastic, she's discovered that when nobody is watching her, she can slip grapes through the holes in the bag and eat them without being discovered.  Except that Ella is the loudest, most appreciative eater ever, and her ever-loud "Mmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm"s give her away.  I take away the grapes.  Ella is pisssssssed!  Gracie comes over with two boxes of cookies.  "I'll get these mommy, they're a special treat."  I take away the cookies.  Gracie is pissssssed!

We're only half-way through the aisles, but all I can think about is checking out.  Forget the rest of the food, we'll make it by on tuna fish and grapes!

We check out, get the groceries to the car, get the girls loaded in, and head for home.  Once we get there, Danny and I each put a child under one arm, and stack 10 bags on the other.  We make it into the house.  Finally. 

"What's for supper?" Danny asks.  "Mommy, I'm hungry!" Gracie says.  "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!"  Ella screams. 

We just spent $200.00 on groceries.  But I'm exhausted and ready to just lay on the kitchen floor and let the kids chew on my legs for their dinner.  So, I use the obvious response.  "Let's go out for supper."