Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Baby Confession...

It has been weeks since I've written.  The last few months have been sporadic at best and now I can confess why... I, once again, have baby brain!  That's right, Danny and I have decided that it's time to add to our brood and Baby Ford #3 is due in June!

We are all very excited... Gracie especially.  The day before I found out that I was pregnant, she very confidently stopped me in Walmart, put her hand on my belly and said "Mama, did you know you have a baby in there?"   I denied it, and she said "Well, it's very, very little, but it's there!"  Fast forward 24 hours, and I was thinking "Holy crap, we have a little fortune teller here!"  Fast forward three more weeks (before we actually told her we were pregnant) and she said, "Mommy, did you know you have a baby in your belly?  Hmmm... actually, there are two babies in there!"  Roh-oh!  Here's hoping her second prediction turns out to be wrong!! (And for the record, we only heard one tiny little heartbeat this morning at our appointment!)

Ella, for her part, couldn't really give a crap.  She's taken to checking out her belly every now and then, but other than that, doesn't really grasp the concept of what's going on.  She'll be nearly two when this baby is born, a full 6 months older than Gracie was, so I'm sure she'll get it by then.  Then she'll be subjected to middle-child syndrome, where she will suddenly be less loved than her two siblings (sorry, Leslie, but I hear it's true!).  Just kidding, Ella may be her own special being, but we will always love her just as much as the other two.  Except when she's acting like the demon spawn of Satan.  Kidding. Heh. Heh.

This pregnancy has been much the same as the first two, with a few glaring differences:  While I had zero nausea with Gracie and Ella, I have had definite feelings of queasiness this time around.  Mind you, they last mere minutes and then disappear so I can't really complain.  I also developed my "pregnancy headaches" much earlier, and they seem to get worse with each baby (yay!).  But the biggest difference (and the one that has Danny hoping that this baby is a boy) is my sudden aversion to... chicken wings!  That's right... my favourite, go-to, must-have-at-least-weekly, food suddenly makes me want to barf.  Not. Impressed.  Weirdly enough, I have been craving tater tots of all things.  I've never really eaten tater tots before, but I saw them in the store and had to have them!  I've also eaten enough Mr. Noodle to fill my coffin with salt, but there's no arguing with a pregnant woman and her food cravings!

Work has been very supportive of this pregnancy (well, after we talked one of my bosses off a ledge and she told me no less than 10 times that "it's okay, I'll get through this, I'll be okay" - referring to herself, by the way, not me!), and I'm excited to say that I actually plan to take at least a full year of maternity leave this time around.  

So this is going to be a big year for us.  The last of the Ford children, a potential new house purchase, Danny's potential enrollment in University, and my embarkation on a full-fledged stay-at-home-mom adventure... should give me lots of new inspiration for writing.  Well, when I'm not drooling, tripping over simple words, peeing for the 100th time in one day, eating tater tots, or sleeping, that is!  Stay tuned... the Ford Family Adventures are about to get a lot more adventurous!

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Vacation is *$@&%*! awesome! (Day 1)

It's finally here... my week off!!  I took this week off because I had vacation days to use up by the end of the year.  Danny is taking Thursday and Friday with me, but the first three days are allllll mine!  I worked my ass off last week to be able to enjoy this week.  I went to work at 6:30 some mornings, worked through my lunches, and stayed late just to make sure that I could enjoy this week without stressing out about what was going on at the office.

I have big plans too.  I intend to do... nothing!  The girls are going to daycare, the husband is going to work.  Danny even agreed to get up with the girls in the mornings, get them ready, and take them to Nancy's.  This will be a fantastic three days...

Day 1:

5:40 - "Oh shit, it's 5:40, I have to get up.  Oh.  Wait.  Nope, it's vacation. Heh, heh, heh.  I get to sleep in as late as I want!"

5:47 - "Is it time to get up?  Nope, not even 6 yet.  Okay then.  Back to sleep."

5:55 - "Still not asleep.  Okay, maybe if I sing... I've got a love-e-ly bunch of coconuts, doodilee doo.  There they are a standing in a row, boomp boomp boomp...."

6:25 - "Awesome, I fell back asleep.  But it's still only 6:25.  What to do, what to do."

6:35 - "Oh, Ella's awake.  Danny.  Danny.  Do you hear that?  Ella's awake.  How can he can sleep through that screeching??"

6:40- "Okay, everybody should be gone in the next 10 minutes and I can finally go back to sleep and 'sleep in.'"

7:02 - "Oh. My. God.  What is taking them so freaking long to get out of this house?  I have to pee, and if I get up now, the girls will want to talk and hug and kiss, and I'm supposed to be freaking sleeping in!

705 - "Oh thank God, they're gone.  Whoooohoooooo!!!  I get to sleep in!  Whooooohoooo!  Vacation!"

7:15 - "Well shit.  I'm obviously wide awake.  But I'm not getting out of bed.  No freaking way.  Hmmm... I'm kid of hungry.  Oh look, the girls's Halloween chips are here in our bedroom, I'll just have a little bag to tie me over."

7:20 - "I love Netflix.  How I Met Your Mother at 7:00 in the morning is awesome.  Hmm, I'm still kind of hungry.  Just one more bag of chi... what the hell??  I ate all of them?  All 7 bags??!?  Faaaack!"

8:30 - "Okay, I guess I should get up now and get shit accomplished.  I want to clean the kitchen today, that's my goal.  I really don't feel like cleaning though.  Maybe I should check out Pinterest and see if I can find some inspiration..."

10:23- "Fuck!  Pinterest you are wasting my life away..."

10:30- "Okay, seriously, put down the computer and start cleaning."

12:00 - "Great, the dishes are done and the kitchen is clean.  Time for lunch.  Salad?  Nope.  Chicken and rice?  Nope.  Mr. Noodle?  Oh hells yes."

12:05 - "Oh, Danny's home for lunch.  Hi Danny.  Yes, I'm eating Mr Noodle.  Because it's freaking awesome, that's why.  What?  Why is there a bowl filled with empty chip bags sitting on our bed???  Umm... look, I cleaned the kitchen, ta-da!!"

12:35 - "Okay, Danny's gone back to work so I have until 5:00 to get the laundry put away and maybe have a little nap."

1:00 - "There are 3 baskets filled with the girls' clothes.  How do they own this many clothes?  How do they wear this many clothes?  Okay, turn on The Good Wife while I fold... that'll keep me distracted."

1:55 - "Oh a text from Danny... 'hi babe.  Just took me an hour to fold the girls' clothes.  WTF? lol'"

1:56 - "Hmm... I'm kind of hungry.  Oooh, nachos!  I'm going to make some nachos! Saa-weeet!"

2:05 - "Holy crap, these nachos smell delicious.  I can't wait!  'Get. In. Ma. Bellllly!'  Oh shit, is that Danny pulling in?  Oh, hi babe!  Heh. heh. heh.  Yup, these nachos are for me.  Yes.  All of them.  Yes, an entire plate full.  What else did I eat today?  Umm, 7 bags of chips and a Mr. Noodle.  And now this ginormous plate of nachos.  Ahhhh... want one?"

2:15 - "Might as well watch some more TV for a bit while I clean... this plate of nachos."

3:45 - "What the hell was that?  My phone?  Oh crap.  I must have fallen asleep.  Okay.  Time to get up.  Maybe get dressed.  I should probably brush my teeth too.

4:15 - "Okay, time to get the girls.  Gym pants or jeans.  Gym pants or jeans?  Ah hell, gym pants.  Also, these slippers have hard bottoms, so I think I'll just wear these too."

5:00 - "Yes, I know that you're hungry.  And I've been home all day, so you know I've whipped up something delicious for supper.  What is it?  What are we having?  Ummm.... scrambled eggs!  With cheese! Yummy!  Yes, you do like scrambled eggs.  Yes you do.  Well you're going to eat them anyway, because I spent all day making them!"

The rest of the night was pretty uneventful too.  We took the girls to the mall.  Put them to bed.  Cleaned the kitchen.  Yes, again.  Because heaven forbid the kitchen stay clean for longer than 2 hours at a freaking time!!  I went to a friend's house for some girl chat, got a text from Danny at 8:05 saying he was exhausted and going to bed and asking if I could make the girls' lunches for the next morning.  Got home around 10:30, made the lunches.  Realized I wasn't tired at all.  Pinterested till 11:45 and went to bed, ready to start my nice relaxing Day 2 of vacation... wait, I was up at 6:00 a.m. again?  Epic meltdown of all time?  Ugghh... day 2 isn't looking so hot!!!