Thursday, July 19, 2012

A letter to Gracie...

Dear Gracie,

I don't know if you know it, but things around here are changing!  Your little sister is due to arrive any moment, and once she gets here, there's no going back!  Then it'll be the four of us from here on out, and things might be a little difficult for you at first!

I want you to know that I'll never forget that you were my first little girl!  I still remember waiting for you to be born (you were pretty darn stubborn about coming out too!), how difficult things were after you finally got here, and how I didn't really mind since I finally had you!  You've been the light of our lives for the last year and a half, making us laugh everyday!  You don't know this, but almost every night when you're in bed, daddy and I talk about all the funny and cute things you did that day, that way neither one of us misses out on any of the awesome things you do.  Sometimes when I miss a funny moment, and dad tells me about it later, I can picture you exactly as he explains it, and I love it!

I'm not going to lie, sometimes you drive me absolutely bonkers!  You're starting to learn more words and sentences now, and some days all I hear is "mommy, mommy, mommy, mommmmmmy, mommmmy, MOMMY!!" and it makes me laugh and yell all the same time.  You are not exactly patient, and you cannot wait to tell me exactly what is on your mind, so sometimes when I'm in the middle of a conversation, and I make you wait, and you get really loud yelling "mommy," I can't help but laugh when I finally say "WHAT, Gracie?!?" and all you have to say is "fly," or "bird."  It must be so wonderful to be that young and have the most exciting things in your life at the moment be the fact that you just saw a bird!  But I wont complain about you needing to tell me, I hope you always share with me the most boring and exciting parts of your life, because at least it means you're still sharing with me!

You have a great big attitude.  I've mentioned it a few times, and it's already getting you in trouble!  You've already had your fair share of time-outs because of your attitude, and I know you're going to have tons more!  But I wouldn't change that for the world.  Every morning when we're playing in the living room, you see the scars on my knees and come over and kiss them and say "awww."  When I pick you up from daycare, and one of the other kids are crying, I always see you go over and give them a big hug and kiss.  You may have a huge attitude, but you also have a huge heart!  And I hope that never changes!

Tonight when I was putting you to bed, I got a little sad.  There's only going to be another day or two when you're my only baby, and the one-on-one time is going to be harder to come by.  But I know you and your sister are going to be best friends growing up, and I'll work very hard to make sure you know how much daddy and I still love you too!  I'm probably taking this harder than you ever will, because I know how excited you are to meet your little sister!  But just so you know... we will always love you and always be here for you... attitude and all!! :)

Love you!

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. I felt that when Michelle was born, I was taking a lot from Stephanie but you know what Sam, you are giving Gracie the BEST gift you can ever give her. A sibling. She will have her sister in her life when things are tough, when things are fun, when she can't stand her parents, or her younger brother ;) . Friends come and go, parents and grandparents die, but your sister is with you through all that. Gracie will learn to share, compromise, fight her own battles, be a leader and a helper because of her new little sister. You are giving her the best gift ever, the best life lessons too..
    You and your little family are in my prayers for a smooth delivery!
