Monday, March 04, 2013

Its a Girl Thing...

So far, in my short existence as a parent, I have been blessed with two beautiful girls.  I hear that in 13 years or so, I will rue the day they were born!  But for now, having girls is pretty darn awesome.  Here are some of the things I'm loving in my girls-only household:

1.  Pretty In Pink

Let's admit it... girl clothes rock!  There are all sorts of pretty pinks, purples, yellows, reds, even greens and blues.  There are dresses, skirts, vests, hoodies, sweaters, jeans, shoes, headbands, and hats.  Girls look adorable in everything you dress them in!  Not that boys don't have cute clothes (I can't wait for the day I can put a little sweater vest on a tiny man of my own!)... but girls' clothes are definitely cuter!  And best of all, we get the cool clothes for the rest of our lives!! :)

2.  Adorable Lint

I know that may seem odd... but can I just say that whenever I wash a load of the girls' clothing, I always smile when I clean out the lint trap.  It's just a big ball of cute pink fuzz!  And I kinda like pink!!

3.  They Clean

Yes, that is a stereotype I am assigning to my girls... but seriously, Gracie loves to clean with me!  "Can I sweep too, mommy?"  Absolutely, here's a broom!  And while you're at it, how about you unload that dishwasher too?!

4.  They're Quiet(ish)

I have spent a decent amount of time with boy children... and they are loud!!  And rambunctious! They never stop moving.  They are sooo energetic!  And I... am lazy! Gracie has her active times, and I can keep up!!  But then she gets quiet, and lays on the floor and colours.  Or plays with her Barbies.  Or reads books.  I like my rambunctiousness mixed with a little sleepy time, and girls have that perfect mix!

5.  Make-Up

Instead of having someone huff and puff outside the bathroom door while I get ready, I'll have two mini-me's who will want to join me around the mirror.  Gracie already asks to put on mommy's make-up and asks to be told that she's pretty.  It's a good opportunity for some self-esteem building and some special "mommy and me" time!

6.  Potty Time

Girls are easier to potty-train (so I've been told).  Gracie already convinced me of this when she was potty trained by 20 months.  Also, girls pee sitting down.  This means no pee to clean off the floor, the toilet seat, the wall, etc.  Yup, girls rock the potty!

7.  They Notice Things

Apparently this difference between boys and girls starts at a very young age!  Yesterday morning when I woke Gracie up, we were in the bathroom getting ready for the day and she looked down at my toes and said, "mommy, that's a new nail polish on your toes!"  She was very excited.  And so was I!  It was a new nail polish, and somebody had noticed! Also, when I put on a different necklace, or switch up my regular black shoes for a different pair, she always points it out.  "Mommy, you have on a new necklace.  It's pretty!"

8.  Sensitivity

I think girls are more sensitive by nature.   When Ella cries, Gracie goes over, rubs her back, and says "There, there Ella.  It's okay.  Mommy will be right back.  I'll play with you.  Don't cry!"  It's adorable to see!  Also, when Gracie sees scars or boo-boos, she kisses them better and then brings you a toy to make sure you're feeling top-notch again.  She's amazingly sensitive and it's super cute!  Of course, she also excels in the over-sensitivity as well.  "Mooommmmmy, Ella touched me." "Mooooommmmmmy, daddy said no to me."  But it's okay, both kinds of sensitive make me smile!

There are tons of other things I love about having girls... like the fact that when I was pregnant with them, the hair on my legs stopped growing (apparently it was the extra estrogen!), the fact that they aren't (yet) amused by farts and boogers, the fact that they aren't constantly reaching in their pants to see if their privates are still there, and the fact that I don't have to worry about being peed on (or at) when I change a bum.  Little girls are awesome!  That's not to say that little boys are not...  I just have no experience with them.  Also, I hear that boys are terrific to deal with during the teenage years.  So... please feel free to check back in 13 years, when I post "8 Reasons I Wish You Were a Boy."

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