Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Momma... watch your mouth! (Another stellar moment)

Gracie is always learning new things... right now she's learning how to give real kisses... she used to give kisses with her mouth wide open, saying "ahhhhhhhh" when she wanted one.  Now we say "pucker up, Gracie."  She's getting much better at it!

Pucker up, Gracie!

There's a good pucker-up kiss!
On Saturday, we had our second ultrasound at 3D Miracles... and little Baby Ford is already showing her stubborn side (obviously a Ford!).  She had her foot in her face during the whole ultrasound, although we were lucky enough to get good pictures anyway... she's also breech!  I read that by 30 weeks only around 18% of babies are still in the breech position... that's my girl, she's special! :)   Hopefully she'll turn on her own in the next few weeks.  Although, I must say, she seems pretty comfortable with her head in my ribs.  I think it's cause she can hear everything better up here, and she's a curious little baby!  

Here are a few of her new pictures...

With her eyes open... having a little peak around.

Thinking happy thoughts!

Gracie is getting much better at saying her little sister's name... we have to be very careful not to let her say it too often around people, or else she's going to give it away!  That's because Gracie's vocabulary has been growing by the day.  She's been doing double syllables for a while, but always two syllables the same (ma-ma, da-da, etc.).  Recently she has started double syllables with different sounds... uh-oh, so-see (sorry), and a few others too.  She now says thank you, and excuse me, although they sound much different than when you or I say them!  Excuse me is actually "see-me." 

This morning we were driving to drop Gracie off at daycare, since Mom and Dad and Nana and Pop were on their way to Halifax for the day.  There's lots of construction going on right now on the road leading to Nancy's house, and there are two huge bumps in the road that only get worse with each passing day.  This morning when we went hit the bump, momma's baby bump bounced so hard it nearly took her breath away, and I said "Jesus!"  Actually, it was more like "Jeeesus."  I continued my conversation with Nan Ford, only to hear Danny say from the front seat "Sammy, do you hear that?"  So I stopped talking long enough to hear Gracie beside me saying "Cheesus... Cheeeesus"  Ooops!!  Well... that's a stellar mommy moment right there, if I've ever seen one!  I guess it's finally time to start watching my mouth!  Cause it would be a real shame if the only thing this little girl inherits from me is my potty mouth!  :)

1 comment:

  1. baaahaaaa...... we all have stories like that, but I forgot them until just now!
    love it.... Donna
