Monday, February 27, 2012

Stellar Mommy Moments

We've all had them I think... those moments where your children do something that you should have prevented, and you look around to make sure nobody saw it happen.  Then, when enough time has passed to make it humorous, you start to tell people about these stellar mommy moments... because by then, your child is obviously alright, and still doing funny kid stuff without having suffered any long-term residual affects from your "mommy moment." 

I knew these moments were coming... I've watched them happen (with a giggle) to other mommy friends of mine.  I just didn't realize I'd be accumulating so many of my own at such a young mothering age.

None of my moments have been too detrimental to Gracie's health... I didn't drop her when she was a baby, I haven't tossed her into a ceiling fan while trying to make her laugh, she hasn't rolled off the change table.  So far, my moments have been fairly uneventful... but they're still moments!  I can't remember a lot of them... I just remember the panicked feeling that somebody may have seen me in my stellar mommy moment minute.  Some are pretty normal, we've all done them.  Spinning around in the kitchen, for example, and bouncing her head off the door frame.  Whoops!

Yesterday's mommy moment is brought to you by the fact that Gracie is newly mobile and I haven't learned to grow eyes in the back of my head yet.  She often wanders around our whole upstairs, peeking out from behind door frames and saying "boo."  She loves to wander in and out of the bathroom and up and down the halls.  Yesterday she came out of the bathroom with her hands soaking wet... "what did you get into?" I said, at the exact moment she pops both of her hands into her mouth.  It was at that exact moment that I realized the only reason she would come out of the bathroom with wet hands... the toilet seat was left up.  After waving my hands wildly, throwing up a little in my own mouth, and yelling "nooooo" all the same time, I reminded myself that no matter how gross it seems, at least the water in the toilet bowl is clean.  Stellar mommy moment #2 came about 2 minutes later when I realized that I still hadn't washed her hands (don't worry, I took care of that right then).  Stellar mommy moment #3 came later that night when I was brushing my teeth in the washroom and Gracie was playing with her tub toys on the bathroom floor.  I looked down and she was playing with her cookie monster toy, her favourite.  I looked back at the mirror, and just that quickly I hear it.... "splash, splash."  You THINK I would have remembered to put the toilet seat down.  No... no I didn't.  But I remember now!  At least until these mommy moments fade from memory...

These moments are going to keep happening... I think it's inevitable!  If your son or daughter hasn't bounced off a door frame, swam in the toilet, or endured a number of other cringe-worthy moments, you're obviously  not having enough fun! :)  I'm sure mommy moments in the future will involve more bumps and bruises and gross-out moments, maybe even trips to the emergency room.  But don't worry, when enough time has passed to make these moments less horrifying, I'll share them with you! :)

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