Well that's it... Danny's gone! He left this afternoon to travel to Borden, Ontario, for a 6-week leadership course (PLQ). By the time he drives there and back, he'll be gone for a whopping 7 weeks! Whatever shall we do while he's gone!?!
First of all... I'm gonna sleep smack dab in the middle of the bed! I try to do this every night, and every night Danny makes me move! Sometimes I'm awake and I don't put up much of a fight... but when I'm already asleep and he tries to move me, apparently I growl! Of course, this will only be fun for the first couple of days that he's gone. Then, it'll be like it always is when he's not here... I'll start sleeping on his side, farthest away from the window - where bad people are lurking and planning to break in in the middle of the night. Yup, that's a rational fear!
I'm also going to start selling some junk. I don't like crap and clutter! I'm not saying that Danny does, but he has an awfully hard time parting with some stuff that I would totally throw in the trash. And since a friend introduced me to the Facebook world of yardsales and auctions, maybe I'll actually make us some money, instead of just loading up garbage bags full of stuff! And since he's not here to watch me work, I doubt he'll even know half his stuff is gone!! *insert evil laugh here*
Since the plan is to sell this house this year, it also needs some re-redecorating. I doubt I'll get much painting done while he's gone, but hopefully I'll at least get all the colours picked out and the rooms cleaned and ready to go. I normally hate renovations, but I'm so excited about this selling place, I think I may actually enjoy this round of fix-me-ups!
I'm going to learn to knit! That has been my goal since January!!! And since I have it on good authority that knitting is easier to learn than crocheting (at which I have failed at least 4 times already), I'm gonna have a scarf finished before he gets home. My ultimate goal is to have some mittens, scarves, and blankets knitted for Christmas gifts. Possible?? We'll see!!
I'm going to finish the last 4 seasons of Gilmore Girls. That's right, I started watching Gilmore Girls when Danny took his "two-day" trip to Yellowknife. After three weeks, I had finished the first 3 seasons. I don't care what anybody says. That show rocks!
I'm going to organize the girls' clothes. The crappiest thing about having girls so close in age is that I'm constantly shuffling clothes from box to closet, from closet to box. It sucks!!!!! Right now, all of Ella's 0-6 month clothes are on the floor of her closet. I have to get out her 9-12 month box, unpack those clothes, and pack up the 0-6. All of Gracie's 18-24 month clothes are on her dresser in her bedroom. It's time to pack those up in a box too. I hate clothes. Even though I once said they were awesome.
I'm going to have a beer... or two! Not that I can't do that when Danny is here... I just don't seem to. But since I'm going to have weekends to myself, I'm going to enjoy a nice cold beer (or two) while I learn to knit, while watching Gilmore Girls in the middle of the bed, and accepting bids on online auction sites for our old crap.
And finally... I'm gonna miss Danny. Even though I have the next 7 weeks planned so that I'll always be busy and I'll be able to get some stuff done that I've been wanting to do for months... it's just not the same without him here to keep us company.
But let's be completely honest... even though I have all of these great intentions about getting us organized and de-cluttered, I have a feeling most of my spare time will be spent either (a) browsing Pinterest looking for ways to keep us organized and de-cluttered, or (b) sleeping. Cause that's how I roll!
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