Thursday, March 21, 2013

When the Husband's Away... 2 weeks later!

The hubby has been gone for two weeks now!  I "celebrated" his leaving with big intentions and a positive attitude.  So... how's it going two weeks later??

I am happy to announce that two weeks in, I am still sleeping in the middle of the bed!  No robbers or boogey men have come to eat me, and I have only been woken up by snoring once... and it was by the cat.  Also, my nasal passages have remained free and clear of gaseous odours, and I have realized that not having to inhale toxic fumes while one sleeps can make for quite a refreshing morning!

I have started selling our crap on the internet.  It's not crap to most people, which surprises me.  Sometimes when people are bidding $5 or $6 for certain items, I think "Really?!  You would pay that much for something I was going to throw in the garbage??"  However, so far we have added nearly $60 of wealth to our bank account, so I cannot complain!  I'm not even close to being done finding crap to sell, so hopefully our bank account will just keep on growing. 

I can confirm that the watching of Gilmore Girls has been very successful!  I have finished the third season, and am well into the fouth.  Success! While accomplishing this success, I have also eaten two boxes of chicken wings and one, two, three bags of chips.  Which, conveniently enough, brings me to my failures....

My personal plan to keep on with the healthy living... FAIL!  Although I don't totally blame myself on this one... despite what all those motivation posters you see say, I feel much better in the morning after a lovely snack and some Gilmore Girls, than I do after a workout.  I have to say though, I am eating healthy meals all day, it's just that 9 p.m. can be a very lonely time.  And I love chickens, they keep me company.  Also, my knee is still majorly buggered from Jillian's workouts.  I'm limping around like an 80-year old man and any sort of "sitting down" movement makes pain ricochet through my knee and leg bones.  Next week I'll start over with the exercise... I swear! 

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Here I am, making the right choice! :)
Also, I've added another project to my list... remove Christmas lights.  It's embarrassing that Gracie still says "Goodnight Christmas lights, Goodnight candy canes" every night before she goes to bed.  Those suckers need to come down.  Danny doesn't want me to do this, but by the time he gets to it, it'll be almost May.  I do not want to be "those" neighbours with the crazy Christmas lights still up until the middle of summer.  Those babies are comin' down... as soon as I figure out how to use the ladder... and work those stupid gutter clips that hold them up... and figure out what to do with the girls when I'm on the ladder... and if the snow ever melts...

I have only kinda-sorta organized the girls' rooms.  Yesterday during my sick/snow day I scrubbed the whole house from top to bottom.  This included the girls' rooms.  I got the next size of Ella's clothes all washed and hung in her closet.  However, the big piles of clothes that need to be packed back up are still in the girls' rooms.  I wish that we could just decide to have a boy for the next baby so we could donate or sell all these clothes.  They take up so. much. room!  Nudist colonies are under-rated!

I have not learned to knit.  I have not even bought knitting needles.  I tried once.  I went to Walmart and very confidently stood in front of the knitting needles.  There were 6 billion different sizes.  Apparently a size for every human being on the planet.  I had no idea which ones I needed.  I also looked at the yarn.  There were tons of choices, and they all looked different. Some were thick, some were thin, some were twirly, some were straight.  I had no idea which ones were "scarf yarn."  And none of the pacakges said "buy this one if you want to knit a scarf."  So seriously, somebody come and teach me to knit.  Hell, if you're better at crocheting, come teach me how to crochet.  I'll put on a box of chicken wings, and we can make a night out of it.  I'll put on Gilmore Girls and we can knit (or crochet), drink some tea, and eat some chicken wings.  Although, I'm pretty sure knitting involves using your hands and fingers, so maybe chicken wings aren't a great idea....

I also have not decorated and/or painted.  I know exactly what I want to do.  I can explain it in perfect detail.  Others can even imagine along with me and see my vision for the house.  But I haven't bought a can of paint.  Painting is very daunting!  Once you start, there's no going back.  It's also very messy.  And dealing with two kids on my own while trying to paint the upstairs (where we basically do ALL of our living) is scary.  My plan was to paint in the evenings when they were in bed.  Get a wall done one night, the chair rail another night, another wall, and so on and so on, until it was all pretty and finished.  But alas, I have not done it.  So, somebody needs to come and help me paint.  I'll put on a box of chicken wings and we can make a night/week out of it! (Does the offer of chicken wings entice anybody other than me?!)

So all in all, the last two weeks have been... majorly unsuccessful.  I've done the tiny little things that don't really matter (really, can I call watching TV all night a success?) and the big world-changing projects I was going to tackle are left unaccomplished.  I'm down to less than 5 weeks until Danny comes home.  Here's hoping for some inspiration and motivation to help me along... any chance that any of you out there are nick-named inspiration or motivation??  Anybody??

1 comment:

  1. Bring the girls over this weekend coming and I will teach you to knit. I am in the middle of a cowl/ infinity scarf right now so it would be perfect timing! *as long as Gracie doesn't bite my children** JOKING!!!! It would be more likely my boys will teach her some new things to try out at daycare.
