Before we begin, I have a confession to make... my daughters have seen me naked. On numerous occasions. For those of you who aren't parents and think this is weird... believe me, it is not! In fact, I don't think I've gone to the bathroom alone since the day Gracie was born. Okay, that's not exactly true, but I do have company more often than not when I need to go! Getting changed alone is a luxury as well. Not to mention showering. It's so nice to have a shower all to yourself, instead of having a little person pulling back the curtain every 3 seconds to have a chat or to make sure you're not using "my shampooooo" as Gracie likes to call it (as if I'd want to walk around all day smelling like blueberry sherbet!). As much as I could complain about the showering thing though, I'm sure it's worse for Danny... who has to answer the "what's that?" question when Gracie peeks in on him! The fact that I'm also a breast-feeding mother also means that, inside my home, my breasts are exposed more often than they're covered! Cause really, who has time to tie blankets to bra straps to make sure you're covered inside your own home! So, needless to say, Gracie has seen her fair share of naked mommy.
We're in the midst of potty training Gracie. We haven't had to clean a poopy diaper in weeks (yay!!), and when Gracie needs to go, she always yells, "potty poop, Mommy!" or "potty poop, Daddy!" and off we run for the bathroom. When we were first teaching about potty-pooping, we used to say "we don't poop in our diapers anymore, we poop on the potty!" and everytime we would run to the bathroom and still have a clean diaper, Gracie would get some praise "Yay, Gracie! No poop in there!"
So all this nakedness and poop talk is quite common place in our house these days. And it never even occurred to me to share it with strangers... until Gracie did it for me today!!
On Monday mornings, Gracie goes to swim lessons at the pool on base. We usually get changed in the women's locker room, but I discovered that the family changing room is actually heated... so we change in there now. When we got changed in the female change room, I would just wrap a towel around myself and get changed under it. Since the family change room has mommies and daddies in there, they provide you with nice little changing rooms. Today was a very busy day at the pool. The change room was full of mommies and daddies and babies! After Gracie's swim lessons were over, I changed her in the main part of the room, then took her to a change room to get myself changed (I didn't want to try the towel trick in front of other daddies!). The change rooms are actually just shower stalls with an extra wall in them, and they are thisclose to the main room. We went in and shut the door, and since it was just Gracie and I, I dropped the towel and my swimsuit! Gracie laughed and yelled "mommy's naked!!!!" and I heard a few giggles from the main room. I'm not quite sure what Gracie thought I was about to do next, but all of a sudden, in her biggest, loudest voice she yelled "NO MOMMY, NO!! DON'T POOP IN HERE!!" All I could hear was laughing from the main room, and I have to admit, I was actually embarrassed!! Not that any adult in their right mind would think I would go potty in the change stall, but still... I felt like I had to defend myself! So I had to say in a loud voice too, "don't worry Gracie, mommy's just getting changed," to which she replied, "Yes mommy. Poop on the potty. Don't poop in here." At least that time was a little quieter... but I felt like I had been scolded. When I had my pants and sweater on, Gracie came over, rubbed my leg and said, "therrrrre, mommy," like I was a good little girl for not pooping on the floor.
I can just imagine the conversation Gracie had with her little friends when she got back to daycare. I can picture her standing there, with the group gathered around her, "you wouldn't believe what my mommy was going to do today at the pool... but I stopped her!!"
This may be the first time that Gracie has embarrassed me in public... but I'm quite sure it wont be the last! Eeep!!
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