Being a parent is wonderful blessing... it makes you smile every single day and there is never a bad moment! HAHAHAHA Okay, now that we've all had a good laugh, it's time to discuss the parenting funk we all get in every now and then.
How can you love a little person so much... and yet imagine yourself flushing them down the toilet when they act up?? I would call and ask my parents how they dealt with me, but let's be honest... I was a pretty fantastic kid, and they probably wouldn't have any advice for me! :)
Gracie has started her grunting again. If you're new here, and haven't had the pleasure of reading about Gracie's grunting, you can find it here! She outgrew the grunting when she learned better ways to express herself... but apparently it's back with a vengeance! Except now we get the grunt, the attitude, and the words to go along with it. For example... "Gracie, finish your supper please!" "No, mommy!! Shush!" - Hits the table - "Errrrrrngh!" And that's when I want to pick her up, stuff her in the toilet, and flush. We're often on Skype with my parents when these little episodes occur... and they laugh. Well, my dad laughs. My mom doesn't really know how to laugh. Her eyes close, she leans backwards like she might fall out of her chair, her whole body shakes, and she makes noises out of her nose (kinda like a snort, but also like a wheeze), but no real laugh comes out of her mouth. Obviously (like I stated before), they find it entertaining because they've never seen this kind of attitude before!
I don't know if it's the fact that I've stopped breastfeeding, the fact that I've started back on birth control (for the first time in 3 years), or whether I'm pregnant again (JOKE!!), but I must say, my hormones are all wacky these last couple of weeks! I'm cranky, and teary-eyed, and just feel in a funk! I'm laughing at Gracie one minute, and swearing I'm not having any more kids the next minute. My patience to deal with the little people has been in short supply lately.
Danny has been off on parental leave, so I've been able to pass Gracie and her attitude off to him when I'm having an especially hard day. I feel for the stay-at-home moms who never get the break they need! Like I said before, being a parent is a wonderful blessing, but my lord children can be exhausting! 99% of the time we smile and patiently say all the right things when our children are acting like little hellions, but for those of us without back-up for the other 1% of the time... well, let's just say I can fully understand why 2-year-olds happen to know so many curse words! :)
My wonderful hubby has noticed the little funk I've been in the last couple of weeks... so the other day when the girls were napping (including me), he ran to the store and brought me home a little treat!
Some lovely flowers!! But the best part (because he knows me soooo well) was the fact that the flowers were accompanied by Jalapeno Poppers and sour cream & onion Pringles! Nothing gets me out of a funk faster than cheese-filled peppers and chips!! :)
I feel much better now... apparently it wasn't my hormones out of whack, it was junk food depletion! I wont be letting that happen again!! :)
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