Wednesday, September 12, 2012

For Sale... one almost-two-year-old!

Gracie is almost two.  Those four words are probably all I need in this blog entry.  They say it all.  Gracie is almost two... which means we're heading straight towards that black hole known as "terrible twos."

Gracie has been far ahead in her language skills, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this phase is coming a little early too.  But please, sweet baby Jesus, somebody tell me that this phase isn't going to last a whole year!!  Because I may kill her.  Obviously I'm not serious about that... but I can see a whole series of not-so-stellar mommy moments coming in the near future!

One thing I've learned is that no matter how many times I picture myself being patient, loving, and caring when Gracie has meltdowns, what really ends up happening is that I end up acting like an almost-two-year-old!  That's right, I can stomp my feet, cross my arms, and screech just as well as Gracie can! I'm not proud of that, by the way, but any mother who tells you that they deal with their child with a nice, calm, patient voice is lying!!  Liar, liar, pants on fire!  Maybe they don't revert to acting like a child every time, but believe me... they have been stomping feet and crossing arms during some of their child's tantrums!  For me, it's around the 5th tantrum in a row.  I can be all calm and serene during the first four, but bring on that 5th tantrum, and daddy better be around to take over!

Don't get me wrong, Gracie is a sweet little girl.  She has the kindest heart!  But my goodness, that attitude!!!!  I dropped her off at daycare yesterday and said "have fun with her, Nancy, she's been yelling and screaming all morning!"  Then I smiled, waved, and drove away.  When I picked Gracie up that afternoon, Nancy told me that she had to put Gracie in time-out a few times because she wouldn't stop yelling and screaming.  Yup, that's my girl!  At least she's consistent when she's acting out, and it's not just for me!  

Here's Gracie at home last night, after screaming "nooooooooo" at me, throwing her baby on the floor, and then, for good measure, giving her baby a nice swift kick across the floor.  As soon as she did it, I gave her "that look," and she went over and sat in her time-out spot, turned around and said "time out mommy?"  Oh, you better believe it!!

As soon as she's done her time she gets up, comes over and gives me a kiss, says "sorry mommy" and acts like my perfect little angel again... for another few minutes, anyway!

Okay, so maybe I'm not ready to sell her just yet.  Her good moments still far outweigh her badness!  But since she's not quite two yet, and I'm sure the worst is still yet to come, keep an eye on those Kijiji ads... there may be one cute little two-year old for sale, real cheap!! :)

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