Gracie had her 18-month checkup a couple weeks ago at the doctor's office. She got her last set of needles (until school, anyway), and barely made a peep! She talked up a storm, and the doctor commented "well, she has all of her 200 words already!" Apparently, by age two, children should know around 200 words. I don't think we have to worry. That little girl has a vocabulary to challenge mine! She talks all the time, and picks up new words all over the place! You rarely have to tell her what something is more than once, and she has it memorized. In fact, in the last couple of weeks we have come to realize just how much she remembers... and how it was a good thing she left one word out of her doctor's office visit!
I think I already mentioned a little while ago about our first real experience with Gracie cursing. It was on the boat coming home from Fogo Island. She had taken her shoes off, and when I said to her, "Gracie, we don't take our shoes off in the car," she looked down at the floor where her shoes were and exclaimed "oh fuck, my shoooooes!" Danny and I, of course, just stared at each other... and then burst out laughing. We didn't correct her, because we didn't want to encourage her to use the word again. Unfortunately, when you have a bright little girl like Gracie, there was no deleting that word from her vocabulary. She knows the word, and she knows when to use it!
Every now and then Gracie will out with the word. This weekend, we were driving home from my brother's wedding, and Gracie bit her tongue and let out with a "oh fuck. Fuuuck." And she's used it many other times too.
I have to take the blame for this one. This is a complete stellar mommy moment. I have a sailor's mouth. I curse horribly. Not in my professional world, but get me away from people where it's just Danny and I (and apparently my impressionable 1-year old) and I curse... a lot. And apparently Gracie hears me, and learns from me. *sigh*
I don't think there's any undoing this one... we just have to wait for her to replace the word with something else. "Oh-no" would be nice, or even "holy moly." Anything but that four-letter word. I guess I better start watching my mouth around my children, or Ella's first word wont be mom or dad!!
Here is Gracie, at the wedding, embracing her role as flower girl (and before letting out the curse words!)

And what has Miss Ella been up to lately? Well she is a smiling machine! I cannot get over how easily she gives out her smiles, giggles, oohs, and ahhs! Gracie was a very happy baby, but she was always very serious. We really had to work to get smiles out of her! But Ella... oh she is a beautiful, smiley baby! And every time she flashes us one of those huge grins, it just lights me up inside! I cannot wait until we start getting real belly laughs from her... it's going to be the most beautiful sound ever! Here she is, flashing me a smile or two...
No Mommy Moments for Ella yet... whew! But, I am happy to announce, my first recordable Stellar Daddy Moment (okay, not really happy, but you know what I mean) This morning, Ella was enjoying some tummy time on the couch, supervised by daddy. Well that little girl loves to boogie, and she boogied herself right off the edge of the couch. Dad was sitting right beside her, and managed to catch her... with his foot! Gave Ella and daddy quite the fright I think! But I'm happy, because at least I know now that it's not always me putting my children's lives in peril, or teaching them all the wrong four-letter words. Daddies have moments too!! :)
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