I suppose it would only make sense to introduce our little family.
First, there's Danny (aka - Daddy). Danny's from Newfoundland, and most people would describe him as the strong, silent type... until they get to know him. Or until he has a number of drinks inside him and decides he'd like to argue with you about the size of pants you are all wearing. In which case, the pants will come off, and he doesn't seem so shy anymore. Now, this hasn't happened in a number of years, but I'm waiting... it'll happen again! :)
Next, there's Mommy (aka - Mommy). I'm from the Valley... born and raised. And on most days, pretty darn proud of that! I'm from a military family, although my experience with moving has been from the Cornwallis base to the Greenwood base. Wheeeee! I was very close to moving away once... in fact I spent a whole year in Moncton! But, alas, it wasn't meant to be. I met Danny mere months before packing up for Moncton, and ended up coming back once I was finished school there... for a man, of all things! But, 7 years later, I guess things worked out! So, my cultural knowledge and experience is quite limited. I can tell you all about Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. That's it.
Danny and I met in the usual place that military men and local girls meet. At the bar. A friend of ours worked at Dooly's in Greenwood and knew this guy "I just had to meet." After waiting at the bar for him on 3 separate occasions, he finally showed up one night and I had the pleasure of meeting my future husband. Danny argues on the details of this night, but here's how I remember it...
Me: "Hi."
Danny: "Hey."
Me: "Nice tattoo, what does it mean?"
Danny: "Live and love life."
Me: "Right on."
That's about it... Danny had a few drinks in him, and that was the extent of our conversation that night. I left about an hour later and had no sooner gotten home than I received a phone call from my Dooly's barmaid friend... she asked what I thought of Danny. "He's... alright," I said. "Well he thinks you're really cute." I just laughed and went to bed. The next night, Danny called...we scheduled a date, and spent every day together for the next 5 months until I moved to Moncton. The rest is history... as they say.
Now, on to the next special member of our family. Gracie!! Gracie Helena Ford is our beautiful daughter, born last January 22 after being served her eviction notice and finally, sending someone in to get her. Okay, it wasn't that bad... but she was 11 days late, with absolutely no intentions of joining us anytime soon. She was born at 7:31 p.m., Saturday night, and weighed 8 pounds, 14.5 ounces. And our lives changed immediately. She has been nothing but a pleasure, an absolute joy to have in our lives. I cannot tell you about one bad day we've had with her... hmm, perhaps that's mommy brain talking there. We've been told how lucky we are with Gracie, since she slept through the night basically from the time we got home from the hospital, 6 hours at a time from day 3. She now sleeps 12-14 hours per night. I have never suffered that new mom experience of complete exhaustion. Don't worry though, that leads me to the next one...
Baby #2 - due exactly 1 1/2 years after Gracie was due. July 11, 2012. No, this baby was not an accident, as many have been quick to ask (usually followed by those looks like we are absolutely insane once we tell them we actually planned this). We wanted our kids to be 1 1/2 - 2 years apart. What can I say, babymaking is apparently our speciality... because 1 1/2 years it will be! Sure, it will be busy at first, but I have no doubt that we will absolutely love having our kids this close together. And it's true, if we plan for a third (that discussion is still open), that baby will be close as well. We're not crazy... we're brilliant! See, when all of our friends are attending their children's graduations, we will have been kid-free for, oh, 5 years or more. We will be cruising around on big ships, visiting exotic places, and enjoying our "old age." Stay tuned in 20 years, to see if this actually happened.
Well, that's our little Ford family in a nutshell... I've saved all the craziness for once you get to know us better!!
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