Yesterday was ultrasound day. We've been waiting quite a while for this appointment... it seems even longer because of the events of my very first pre-natal appointment. Let me take you back there...
We found out we were pregnant and I eventually got around to booking my appointment... I got in at around 14 weeks (apparently baby #2 doesn't take priority as baby #1 did... where I called the day I found out and got in at 8 weeks. Oops!). In the 14 weeks leading up to this appointment I was exhausted... completely and utterly fall-asleep-with-food-in-my-mouth exhausted. I was asleep by 7:00 every night and was waking up late every morning. I know that being tired is kind of standard while pregnant, especially during the first trimester... but this was crazy. I couldn't even blame it on the fact that I had Gracie, because as I mentioned previously, she's a really good baby, and is in bed by 6:15 every night. So there was the exhaustion. There was also this recurring nightmare I was having of coming home from the hospital with two babies.
When I got to the doctor's office, they did the usual things... weight, blood pressure... then came the time to lay down on the table and hear the heartbeat for the first time. When I was laying down, the doctor (a student doctor at first) was feeling around to make sure everything was growing correctly. This was the conversation we had...
Doctor: "So... how far along did you say you were?"
Me: "14 weeks."
Doctor: "Hmmm..."
Me: "Why?"
Doctor: "Well, you're measuring quite large. Are you sure of your dates?"
Me: "Yes. Please don't tell me you think there's more than one in there."
Doctor: "Why would you say that?"
Me: "Bad feeling I've had... not to mention that twins and triplets are on all four sides of our families."
Doctor: "Well... you're measuring about 20 weeks right now. That's 6 weeks further along than you should be. But there are other reasons that could happen."
Me: "I see..."
So after trying to find the heartbeat, and not being able to, student doctor went to retrieve family doctor. Once she entered the room, this is the conversation I had with her...
Doctor: "How far along did you say you were?"
Me: "14 weeks."
Doctor: "Hmmmm... Wow. You are measuring quite large. Let's find the heartbeat shall we? Wouldn't it be funny if I found two. Well, you probably wouldn't find it funny... but I would laugh."
Me: "Heh heh heh."
Doctor: "Okay, there's the heartbeat... let's for fun see if we can find one on the other side. Oh! Look at that... well, that could be the same heartbeat, the baby could have moved. Hahaha"
So basically, that's what the doctor left me with. She said "I'm not convinced that there's two in there, but I also don't know that there's one." She said she would have sent me for an early ultrasound to find out, but they were behind in Kentville, and "3 or 4 extra weeks wont make a difference."
Danny and I left the appointment, got in the car, and immediately started laughing. What else can you do in a situation like that? Possibly two heartbeats? The more Danny thought about it, the more he was excited. I have to say, I would love all the kids I'm lucky enough to have unconditionally, but I would really prefer them one at a time!
The next few weeks waiting for an ultrasound appointment took forever! It literally would have taken forever if I hadn't called the ultrasound department to check about my appointment and discovered they never received the referral. Whatever, another extra 2 weeks wouldn't make a difference! *rolls eyes* I have a friend who works at the booking department at the IWK... I spoke with my doctor, got my referral sent there, and had an appointment booked that afternoon.
Yesterday we went to the appointment and I am happy to report... 10 fingers, 10 toes!! I'm quite sure Danny let out a little "ooh" when we only saw the one... but in 5 months I know he'll be happy to have just the one little baby to look after. We also know the gender... but we're not telling! You'll have to check back in July for that update! :)
Michelle went through that exact same scenario... and cried all the way home when she found out it was only one. But now, 3.5 months into a new baby, she is quite happy to have just one.. big bouncing boy!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on baby #2 being just #2.. and not #2 & 3
Donna P.
I would have been much happier to receive twin news if it was my first... you don't realize how crazy you are then! But after dealing with just one (and one EASY one at that), I was sooo not looking forward to this possibility! :)