Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Unexpected Craziness... and return of The Grunt!

Wow!  It's been over two weeks since I've been able to sit down and write.  Who woulda thunk it, my life is crazy sometimes I guess!

All of the craziness started about two weeks ago when I unexpectedly got ill.  I woke up a couple of Saturdays ago with a sore throat.  By Sunday, I had hardly any voice (yay, for everybody around me).  Monday morning I woke up feeling like garbage.  Not just regular garbage, but smelly, dirty, old garbage that's been left at the side of the road for 2 weeks that the crows have picked through.  I went to work, of course.  I'm stupid like that sometimes!  However, I knew I wasn't going to make it through the day, and called ahead to tell my boss to consider me out sick.  I had some stuff to get off my desk, and then I was heading home.  I arrived at work at 7:40, and was on my way home by 10:30.  That was the last I saw of work that week!

I called my doctor before I left the office to see about getting an appointment.  Not for the massive cold and cough that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, but because my ribs were still hurting so badly that I hadn't slept through the night in about 5 weeks.  And of course, the cough was only making it worse.  I got an appointment to see a nurse practioner the next afternoon.  When I got home from work, I went to bed.  And I pretty much stayed there for 3 days.

I went to my doctor's appointment on Tuesday, where the nurse was concerned about pneumonia and a stress fracture of my ribs.  I had some chest x-rays done that afternoon, was given an inhaler to stop the cough, and went back home to bed, with a prescription for pain killers and muscle relaxers.  Danny's family arrived that afternoon and although I would come out of the room for meals, I didn't really see them until Thursday.  I stayed fairly well medicated, and by Thursday morning, I felt like a different person.  I could breathe again, the cough was gone, and the ribs finally started to feel better.  On Friday, I actually ventured to Digby with everyone, and we took Gracie along for the ride.  She had a fantastic day with her nan and pop, and loved that all the attention was on her! 

After Nan and Pop headed home, we tried to get back into a routine.  We hadn't really settled in since Danny had arrived home, and it was taking some getting used to.  The weather was also fantastic, so we tried to get outdoors with the girls.  I ventured back onto a bicycle, after not having been on one for a very, very long time.  I have to say, it was kinda terrifying!  But I'm now an old pro, and we hope to get out with the girls (who enjoy the view from the seats on the backs of our bikes!) qutie frequently.  We made it to the zoo a couple of times, and we even had supper at Halls Harbour... a favourite of mine, but a place we hadn't been to in years!

The girls are growing up super fast these days.  Gracie often tells me how she's "all growed up" and occassionaly asks when we're going to put another baby in my belly (the answer to that, by the way, is not anytime soon!).  She has started showing her first signs of jealousy toward Ella, but I think it's because Ella is also starting to show her own little personality.  That personality is bad, bad, bad.  She's going to be a trouble maker, I can tell.  She's got a little bugger of an attitude, different than Gracie's.  Gracie's was just rebellion, Ella's resembles the devil's.  The grunt has returned (in case you don't remember my hate for the grunt, read about it here) in Ella, and she also likes to express her displeasure for anything by screaming.  The screaming is a new thing, since we didn't experience it with Gracie, and I think I would take the grunt any day!  Also, the grunt in Ella has started about 4 months earlier than Gracie. Lord help us!!

Danny and I went out Saturday night on a "date."  We ended up wandering around Walmart for close to an hour.  We're cool like that!  We had a nice chat about the things we want to accomplish in the near future, and we're very determined to tame the chaos that has been our lives the last few weeks.  Of course, I'm sure the girls have different plans for that, because it never fails to amaze me how quickly things change when kids are involved!  Here's hoping the craziness of our lives has died down for a while, and I can get back to writing about how amazing and completely insane my little family is!  And with Ella developing her own little attitude, with Gracie learning new things every day, and with Mama and Daddy trying to manage it all, I'm sure the focus will be on the insanity! :)

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