Poor Gracie has a cold. It's probably the worst cold she's ever had in her entire life!!! Okay, so her entire life only consists of two years, but still!
We have been fairly lucky with Gracie. She has never had the flu! There was one incident where she had a slight stomach bug, threw up all over herself, and smelled horrible for 3 days (you can read about it here, it's fantastic, I promise!), but that is her only experience with any sort of illness. She woke up once in the middle of the night with a raging fever, but even that was gone by morning.
This cold has been around for a few days now. She has the runny nose, the hacking cough, the achy skin (I'm guessing, since she keeps telling me "your touches hurt, mommy"), the tiredness, and a horrible case of the crankies!
Of course, even with little colds comes some laughs. I wasn't laughing yesterday though, when she was sitting on my lap, facing me, and we were having a little chat. She had her hands on my face and just as I opened my mouth to say something, she sneezed. Of course, her hands were on my face, so she couldn't cover her own... which meant I got a mouthful of sneeze. It was disgusting. I screeched a little, and almost threw up. Mmmm... someone else's boogers! Gracie, for her part, said "Sorry Mommy. Excuse me." But it didn't make me feel any better. (Oh, and in case you wanted to know, mere moments later, after picking up Ella to carry her off to bed, that lovely six-month old threw up her entire dinner... all over me. It was a fantastic night!)
Yesterday, while getting supper ready, the girls were playing in the kitchen. Gracie was feeling pretty good, since she had just gotten home from Nancy's and had enjoyed some nice fresh air. She was dancing around the kitchen, la-dee-da-dee-da, when Nanny Fillmore called on Skype. Gracie said, "Hi Nanny! How's it goin?" and Nanny said, "Oh, my poor wittle Gracie, are you sick my darling girl? You don't feel good do you? Do you need to lie down on the couch and get some rest?" Gracie stopped dancing, put on her saddest voice and said, "Yes, Nanny. I'm sick." Then she turned to me, and said, "I'm sick, Mommy" and proceeded to cough. Then she turned from the happy, dancing child, to a child who was whining, crying, and telling me how sick she was. Way to go, Nanny!! Next time dad has a man-cold, I'm going to call and make sure he knows just how sick he really is, and we'll see how you like taking care of a "sick" 2-year old! :)
Since Gracie has had this cold, she's been using a really soft voice to talk. Probably because her throat hurts. When she's not whining, she's super clingy, but polite! Yesterday, all day, it was, "mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy." And because I couldn't hear her, I had to ask her to repeat herself 3, or 4, or even 5 times. But the one word that always came through loud and clear? Mommy! Every 2 seconds, she had a new request. "Mommy? Can I have a granola bar?" "Mommy? Can you open my playdough?" "Mommy? I want a drink." "Mommy?" "Mommy?" "Mommy?" For just a second, I lost my cool and said, "whaaaaaat?!?" and Gracie replied, "Mommy? We say pardon me, not what." *sigh* She had me there! :)
The last couple of nights I've given Gracie a couple teaspoons of honey before bed. It's really helped quiet her cough at nighttime, although I think I'm going to have a hard time convincing her this isn't an "every night" kind of thing! The one good thing about Gracie not feeling well? When I was getting Ella ready for bed at 6:00 tonight, Gracie said to me, "Mommy? I'm tired. I'll go to bed now too, please." An extra hour and a half to myself tonight?? Okay!! :)
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