Babies are pretty useless! Now, I would just like to say that I have spoken to other mommies, and they tend to agree with me! Between the day they're born and around, say, 2 or 3 months old, babies are useless! They're cute to look at... but that's about it! They eat, they poop, they sleep, they cry. Basically the first 2 to 3 months is just surviving. After that is when things start to become fun, when having a baby is really worth it!
Ella is starting to get to that point now. You smile at her, and she smiles back. She laughs now. She holds her own head up. She talks and coos and carries on a conversation. Of course I don't have a clue what she's saying, but she's still talking along with me! I can put her in the exersaucer, and she'll play for hours (or 20 minutes, which is hours in baby time!). When she gets in the tub now, she gets so excited and splashes all over the place. She's just getting cute, plain and simple! :)
This little girl can talk too! Holy moly... she will talk your ear off. Her favourite time to talk is during dinner, or when changing her bum. She loves to lay on the change table and talk and talk and talk! Here she is, having a little chat with Aunt Tricia on Thanksgiving. She was pretty tired by this time of the night, but she was still able to carry on quite the conversation!!
Ella is also a smiler! Gracie smiled very early, and Ella did too... the difference is, Ella gives them away for free!! :) Gracie used to make you work for her smiles. And most of the time, while you were making faces or funny sounds, she would look at you with this very serious look on her face, as if to say "Come on puppet, is that all you have? Entertain me!" Ella is the total opposite! All you have to do is look at her, and she smiles away! I sometimes compare them to Garfield and Ottis. I'll let you decide which one I think acts like the goofy puppy! :) Even now, Gracie is quite serious! She's not a fan of people she doesn't know! It's not that she's shy, she's just very choosy about who she will speak to. Ella is only young yet, but I can tell that her personality is going to be the complete opposite of Gracie's! I'm looking forward to meeting Ella's personality in the near future. It's hard to imagine your second child as anything but exactly like your first... before she was born, the only image I could conjure of her was Gracie as an infant! And since Gracie's personality (and *ahem* attitude) is all I've ever known from my children, I'm looking forward to watching a new and different personality develop.

It's hard to believe that nearly 3 months have passed since Ella was born. Every day is a new adventure with her, and it's exciting to watch her grow and develop and learn new things. Time seems to pass faster each and every day, and I have a feeling things aren't going to slow down any time soon. So while I can, I take tons of pictures, and record all the memories. Because soon my little Ella will be big like Gracie, and Gracie will be... well, she'll be bigger too! So as much as I'm glad that Ella is out of the "useless baby" stage, I do kind of wish that the world would spin just a little bit slower...
This little girl can talk too! Holy moly... she will talk your ear off. Her favourite time to talk is during dinner, or when changing her bum. She loves to lay on the change table and talk and talk and talk! Here she is, having a little chat with Aunt Tricia on Thanksgiving. She was pretty tired by this time of the night, but she was still able to carry on quite the conversation!!
Ella is also a smiler! Gracie smiled very early, and Ella did too... the difference is, Ella gives them away for free!! :) Gracie used to make you work for her smiles. And most of the time, while you were making faces or funny sounds, she would look at you with this very serious look on her face, as if to say "Come on puppet, is that all you have? Entertain me!" Ella is the total opposite! All you have to do is look at her, and she smiles away! I sometimes compare them to Garfield and Ottis. I'll let you decide which one I think acts like the goofy puppy! :) Even now, Gracie is quite serious! She's not a fan of people she doesn't know! It's not that she's shy, she's just very choosy about who she will speak to. Ella is only young yet, but I can tell that her personality is going to be the complete opposite of Gracie's! I'm looking forward to meeting Ella's personality in the near future. It's hard to imagine your second child as anything but exactly like your first... before she was born, the only image I could conjure of her was Gracie as an infant! And since Gracie's personality (and *ahem* attitude) is all I've ever known from my children, I'm looking forward to watching a new and different personality develop.

It's hard to believe that nearly 3 months have passed since Ella was born. Every day is a new adventure with her, and it's exciting to watch her grow and develop and learn new things. Time seems to pass faster each and every day, and I have a feeling things aren't going to slow down any time soon. So while I can, I take tons of pictures, and record all the memories. Because soon my little Ella will be big like Gracie, and Gracie will be... well, she'll be bigger too! So as much as I'm glad that Ella is out of the "useless baby" stage, I do kind of wish that the world would spin just a little bit slower...
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