Thursday, July 05, 2012

Gettin 'er done...

The last couple of weeks has been a half-hearted attempt at completing my to-do list before baby makes her arrival.  I had a 4-page list of things to get done... I made it through about a page and a half before I gave up!  I really wanted to get the kitchen cleaned from top to bottom, and I was able to accomplish that.  The rest of it can get finished whenever we get around to it!

One thing I really wanted to get done was a little project I saw on Pinterest... the website that makes me think I can be super talented and crafty, but really I just spend hours imaging things I can do, without getting anything done!  Except... this time!  I really wanted to get a menu and cleaning board done.  And today, I accomplished it! :)  Yay, my first-ever Pinterest project!  I feel semi-talented and crafty! :)

Menu Board

Cleaning "Chart"
The board itself I got at Staples... it's a magnetic white board on one side, and a cork board on the other side.  The calendar I already had, so I was able to free up some space on my refrigerator door (I'm sure I'll need the room for all the art projects I've pinned for Gracie to make! haha).  The menu board I made this afternoon, and I'm currently in the middle of writing down our favourite dinner items.  

The cleaning "chart" was kind of an invention to help me remember to do all those crappy things I don't like to do.  Daily cleaning is a given... do the dishes, sweep the floors, put away your crap.  But the weekly, and especially monthly, chores always seem to get put off.  So now, I can have "wash windows" and "clean bathroom" written on my weekly popsicle sticks, and "clean inside of dishwasher" and "vacuum of fans" on my monthly popsicle sticks.  I'll move them over to the "completed" cup once they're finished and... ta-da!!!  My house will always be clean.  Hahahaha!!  That's the plan, anyway!  I think it turned out pretty well, so as long as we can stay on top of things, I'm hoping this will keep us a bit more organized!

Tomorrow Gracie is at the sitter, and I'm hoping to finally finish up the new baby's room.  It's been nearly-finished for two weeks now, but needs a good scrubbing.  Once that's finished, my plan is to sit back and wait.  Patiently.  Because of course at my last doctor's appointment, he laughed and said "I'll see you next week, don't worry. Ha. Ha. Ha."  Apparently this baby is going to be as stubborn as Miss Gracie was, and need some coaxing to get her out.  Because apparently my body is terribly proficient at keeping babies in, and effacement does not happen on its own.  I'll let you look that word up, so I can leave other, more descriptive, words out of this blog! :)  It was the exact problem I had with Gracie, I just assumed Baby #2 would be a little more cooperative.  I should have known, since she stayed breech up until 37 1/2 weeks! :)  Well, if she does decide to come late, at least I have Pinterest to keep me occupied...

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