It's not quite summer yet... but lately, it has definitely felt like it!
On Sunday I bought a nice juicy watermelon, Gracie's first. She loves it!! We put a bib on her while I fed her on the kitchen floor, but it didn't really help. She leans over a little bit, and it all drips on the floor. That's what paper towel is for! :)
It was a super-juicy watermelon, and two pieces weren't quite enough for her. She threw quite the fit when we put it away. She loves to pick up the seeds too and crunch on them. I think watermelon will be a summer-long treat... although maybe we'll feed it to her outside! :)
We've also spent a couple of days at the zoo, which Gracie absolutely adores! She went on her first pony ride, and I thought she might freak out a little when we started moving... not at all! Not even when the horse started neighing and jerked its head a little. She just laughed and said "naaaaaaah." - That's neigh, in baby-speak, in case you didn't know!
She was a little disapointed I think that they only went around once... she would have loved to go round and round all day. But we moved on to the monkeys, who haven't made a fuss yet when Gracie's around, so she doesn't care about them yet. They're my personal favourite, and I can't wait for them to get all loud and bothered when we're around.

She doesn't even flinch when she puts her hands near their mouths. She even had an eager little goat bite her fingers once... she just laughed! I can tell you though, that when Gracie has a hard time differentiating between corn on the ground and rocks, the animals are not impressed!
After spending an hour or so wandering around, we decide to have a little sit-down before heading home. Gracie chased the dogs around, and tried to pet the cats, and dad had an icecream cone. We had some grapes for Gracie to eat, and it was around then that another of my infamous "mommy moments" snuck into our lives. After feeding goats, and deer, did we wash Gracie's hands before letting her pop a couple of grapes into her mouth?? Ummm... yes? That's going to be my official answer. And please know, that I have since added soap-free hand wash to her diaper bag!
Here's our little monkey!
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