Thursday, June 09, 2016

That Time my Dad Retired...

Sgt. Leslie Fillmore, Ret.

It's official, ladies and gentlemen.  After 39 years of service, my dad has retired from the military.  For good this time, I swear.  Sergeant Leslie Fillmore, Retired.  His official title now. 
My dad joined the military in 1976 when he was 18.  He's "old school" military.  He joined back in the days when it was okay for your commander to yell at you and call you names.  He started in the infantry, where he stayed for 9 years.  He drove tanks, visited a whole bunch of foreign countries, and drank a shit-ton of beer... oh, the good ol' days!

Rumour has it, my dad applied to both the military and the RCMP.  He got his call for the military, signed up, and within a few weeks, received his letter from the RCMP.  A few weeks shaped the rest of his life, and the life of our family.  The military has been a lifestyle for the Fillmores.  We grew up military, my brother joined the military, and my sister and I married military.  It's a part of all of us.

My dad started in Gagetown, in 1977.  In 1981, he was posted to the now closed Cornwallis base.  In 1990, he was posted to Greenwood, where he spent 20 years, until 2010, when he was posted back to Gagetown.  Five more years in Gagetown, and a final posting back to Greenwood, where he is finally retiring.
This isn't the first time he retired from the military.  After his 20-year contract was up (the first time), he retired at age 39.  He started his new job as the Accountant at Perry Rand Bus Company the week after.  He spent a couple of years there, and then took over as Office Supervisor at Royal LePage Relocation Services, who at the time had the contract for military postings.  After some years there, dad joined the military as a reservist and worked (pretty much full time) in Greenwood until he re-inlisted in 2009, while deployed in Afghanistan.

My dad has been deployed and has travelled more places than we can count.... although I tried to get him to remember most of the places so I could list them here for you:
Golan Heights
 Every province and territory in Canada (except Newfoundland) 

My mom spent a good time of their marriage alone, raising us.  My dad told me the other day that when he married her in June 1980, he dropped her off at their PMQ and immediately deployed for 8 months.  She's "old school" too, when wives didn't complain about deployments, and you carried on and lived your life the best you could.  She said her toughest deployment was dad's last, to Afghanistan.  By then, we were all grown up, and didn't "need" her anymore.  She was truly alone for that deployment, and made dad promise it would be his last.  At the age of 51, he agreed. 

My dad is also "old school" in the fact that NCM's (non-commissioned members) didn't associate with Officers.  With his son an Officer, and now Danny working his way to being an Officer (currently an Officer Cadet), it makes one wonder if, perhaps, Dad is retiring before he is required to salute his son-in-law before eating dinner at night - just kidding dad, we would have only made you do that for fancy Sunday brunches.
My dad has enough stories about his career to fill an entire library.  At least once or twice a week, something will remind him of something, and we often hear, "When I was overseas..." He experienced many cultures, many countries, many war zones, and many culinary adventures.  From war zones, to peace keeping for the UN, he will be the old man sitting in the legion in 30 years that you're going to want to talk to while drinking a cold beer (or 5).
After getting posted back to Greenwood this spring, my dad was offered the opportunity to take a civilian job on base here in Greenwood.  Accepting this position meant that he could work past 60 if he wanted... and grow a beard (watch for it, mom!).  So, although my dad retired today, he starts his new job tomorrow.   Typical Leslie... not ready to stop just yet. 

Today was the last day he put on his uniform, and I think everyone should know what this man has contributed to his family, his community, and his country, over the past 39 years.  He is a true military hero, and we couldn't be prouder of him!  Congratulations on your (almost) retirement, dad!! xox

He walked out of the house this morning for the last time with this uniform on!

Friday, June 03, 2016

That time that Gracie grew up...

Last Friday was Primary Orientation at Kingston School, where Gracie will be going in September.  That means that she spent the day at "big girl school," where she did gym class, music class, play at recess, eat lunch, and ride the school bus.  She was so excited that morning, she talked and bounced off of every single wall in our house.  It was adorable!
Gracie turned 5 in January, just 3 short weeks after the primary cut-off.  Really, she was ready for school this year, but because of her birthday, got to spend the extra time with me.  It means she'll be one of the oldest in her class, which I guess gives her a little bit of an advantage.  I was totally prepared for her to go to school last Friday morning, and I'm definitely ready for her to go in September.  Still... when did she grow up??
I posted this picture of her last Friday, standing against the wall with the school motto, and someone commented, "When did she get so big?"

Gracie has always been an old soul.  She's been smart since the day she was born.  She talked really early, and grasped concepts and ideas way before I thought she would be able to understand them.  She is wise beyond her years, so she has always seemed like a little grown-up.  I guess that's why I'm not sad to see her go off to school.  She is ready, 100%.  So I didn't cry getting her ready for school last week... I did a happy dance!
My goal is to raise independent children, ready to face the world as functional members of society when they finally leave my home.  I love every moment of independence they gain, including "leaving the nest" for school. 

That morning, she was so excited, but as soon as we got into the line to pick up her nametag, she froze.  Those that have known Gracie for a while, know that she struggles with social anxiety.  Where Ella and Jax love to talk to strangers, and will run up to anyone on the playground and ask them to play, Gracie has always been very reserved.  She hangs her head, and turns her face when someone tries to talk to her.  With the exception of dropping her off at daycare, she always clings a little longer to my hand when I try to get her to leave me.  Growing up with her, we had to prepare her for social activities such as going to the doctor.  We would practice scenarios, role play what a doctor might say to her, and how she should answer.  We would practice for a few days before, and over time, we could stop practicing... a little chat just before a social situation gave her the confidence she needed to face it.  That morning, when she froze in line when the principal asked her her name, I pulled her aside, and we had a quick little chat to remind her that new things could be scary, but that she was totally ready for this!  And she perked back up!  Gracie has come so far with her social skills, and I am proud to say that when I walked out of the classroom and left her behind, I waited by the door in case she needed one more "thumbs up" or blown kisses.  She didn't even look back.  She was in her element.  And it was awesome!  I skipped my happy self right out to the car. 

When I came to pick her up after lunch, she waved at me from across the classroom, gave me a big smile, and said "Mom, I have so much to tell you about today.  It was awesome!!!"

She asks every day when school starts.  She tells me everything she's going to learn, and how if I ever miss her while she's gone, that I can imagine her standing with me, and that'll make me less sad.  She said she'll do the same thing if she feels lonely.  I guess that's it... she's all grown up.  And I couldn't be happier for her!  Except she said to her grampy, "I had a great day, and I didn't even kiss any boys." Wait, what?  Is that something I should be worried about in September... maybe I'm not ready for this after al!! 

Little Miss Gracie, all ready for school!
Little Miss Gracie.... when she was still little!