The hot weather has made it very difficult for me to get a decent night's sleep! I've been tired and cranky through the days and hot and miserable through the nights! One day last week, Gracie had an eye appointment so I picked her up from Nancy's house in the early afternoon and off we went.
When we got back from the appointment, I realized it was just the two of us in the house, and the wind was blowing just right, and I was freaking tired. I asked Gracie if she wanted to play in mommy and daddy's room while mommy had a little snooze. Gracie was very excited about it! She walked me in while holding my hand, told me to get on my jammies (which I refused, much to her dismay!), put me in bed and read me a story. Then she sang me a song, patted my hair, and gave me a kiss. She whispered "goodnight mommy" and I smiled and closed my eyes.
If you think that's where this sweet story ends, you obviously don't have kids...
She sat quietly beside me on the bed for hours! Or, if you translate that to kid time, about two minutes. And then she got bored. I turned the TV on for her (a treat in our house, since we never watch it!) and that occupied her for another couple of hours (four minutes). Then she wanted to get her toys. Perfect! She could play while I slept.
So she got off the bed. Then she got on the bed. Then she got off the bed. Then she got on the bed. Then she crawled over the top of me because she dropped a toy on my side. She picked up the toy and threw it on the bed. She missed the bed, and it hit me in the forehead. Then she had to get back on the bed, so she crawled back over me again. Ouch! An elbow in the throat!
She went back into the living room and brought in her Barbies. She play with them on the floor for a while, but then she got bored and decided to get her stuffed animals instead. She came back in the room with all of her stuffed animals. But they weren't for her, they were for me! Apparently, you can't nap without a legion of stuffies watching you sleep. She she put one under my arm, one under my other arm, one tucked into my shirt, and the rest she lined up on the pillow right above my head. One of the animals kept falling over, so she kept leaning in to grab it. Owwww, my hair!!! Now it rolled off the bed. She's pretty sure she can grab it by just laying over the side of the bed... except that I'm in her way. So she asks me to grab it. I ignore her, of course, because I'm "sleeping." So she puts her hand on face to steady herself as she leans over the bed to grab the animal of the floor. She may only weigh 28 pounds, but that's 28 pounds pushing on my face, and now I look like a smooshed fish.
Now that we're all settled in with the animals, she decides to play quietly by herself. I actually snooze for about three minutes, until I feel her rubbing her hands all over my face and my arms. "It's okay mommy," she whispers, "I'm just putting some lotion cream on you." Oh, okay. Lotion. Nice. Wait, what? What lotion? We don't have lotion in here!? Oh perfect, I've just gotten a lovely massage of KY into my cheeks and up my nose. Fantastic, my face is all lubed up and ready to go! But I still can't open my eyes because once I'm "awake" that means I have to start parenting again!
It doesn't matter though, because a few minutes later she decides I've had a long enough nap and she leans over me, grabs an eyelid and pries it open. "Time to get up, mommy. Do you feel better?"
Oh yes... napping, mommy style, leaves me feeling so refreshed! *yawn*